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Old 04-23-2009, 09:22 AM   #16
Tyler Durden
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Re: Dusky Project

Originally Posted by Louis Rossignol View Post
Now we have the floor out, basically we don't have any rot. Dusky didn't put any transverse supports between the stringers and the outside wall of the hull. The hull then flexed and cracked. Over on the Dusky forum there are a bunch of followers that can't imagine their favorite manufacturer being wrong, but they are..
That is appalling to know that they didn't do that. Bulkheads/transverse stringers are critical to the stiffness and strength of the hull.
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Old 04-23-2009, 09:39 AM   #17
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Re: Dusky Project

Damn LR you just burst my Dusky bubble...here I was thinking Duskys were one of the best boats for the money and look what your going through with yours...well hopefully you'll get it all sorted out, good luck man!
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Old 04-23-2009, 01:22 PM   #18
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Re: Dusky Project

Love the last post from the Master Chief chick:

"I googled it, and was both frightened and disturbed by what I found within the first few pages. The lack of a google search function is probably saving countless minds from being warped by disturbing images."

So that lack of proper reinforcement on your 233 is due in part to your wonton killing of fish. Seems like a good reason to void any type of hull warranty. You're a bad bad man, now leave Dusky alone.

Good luck on the boat repair, but thanks also, I used to like Dusky's and have on occasion thought of buying one when I get rid of my current boat, not now.

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Old 04-23-2009, 05:41 PM   #19
Louis Rossignol
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Re: Dusky Project

Just got back from a long day of diving only to find out my thread on the Dusky forum has been closed.

I love the way Master Chief says they will assist me anyway they can.

"Here's the assistance", "WE"RE NOT RESPONSIBLE".
Rok out

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Old 04-23-2009, 08:36 PM   #20
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Re: Dusky Project

Wow, Dusky customer service, I'm now banned from their forum.

Wait till they see the video of what I did today. If they didn't like the bloodshed from my website, they will really hate this.

At least I took the time to copy and paste the whole thread from their website before I got banned.
Rok out

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Old 04-24-2009, 10:47 AM   #21
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Re: Dusky Project

Went to check out the closed thread and it is completely missing, but I did find this one:


Look though all the pic, and notice the absence of stringers, when you get to the bottom the guy added in his own. So much for Dusky not knowing about your issue.

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Old 04-24-2009, 11:39 AM   #22
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Re: Dusky Project

Originally Posted by Louis Rossignol View Post
Wow, Dusky customer service, I'm now banned from their forum.

Wait till they see the video of what I did today. If they didn't like the bloodshed from my website, they will really hate this.

At least I took the time to copy and paste the whole thread from their website before I got banned.
lets see it
I need a beer!!!
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Old 04-24-2009, 12:09 PM   #23
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Re: Dusky Project

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Old 04-24-2009, 02:41 PM   #24
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Re: Dusky Project

Originally Posted by jadairiii View Post
Went to check out the closed thread and it is completely missing, but I did find this one:


Look though all the pic, and notice the absence of stringers, when you get to the bottom the guy added in his own. So much for Dusky not knowing about your issue.

They banned me from their forum after I told them I was one of the people who inspected Rok's boat, can you post the pics of the guys boat??
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Old 04-24-2009, 03:22 PM   #25
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Re: Dusky Project

According to the post the boat is a 1983 25'6. The pictures shown are before and after.

Disclaimer, I did not take these pictures nor am I using them for any financial gain; they were copied from the Dusky forum that I believe to be public, since the only requirements to "join" is to create a password, which I am currently in good standing. Furthermore, I found nothing in their rules that forbid this practice. Should anyone object to them being posted here I will gladly remove them and delete.

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Old 04-24-2009, 04:23 PM   #26
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Re: Dusky Project

I'm trying to post the whole thing but there is a limit to what I can put, I'll try the attachement thingy.

Hey, how bout that 100 pounder today.

Louis Rossignol Newbie OnlineModel: 233 Dusky 1997Power: 250 Yamaha OX66Port: Kenner La.Posts: 11 Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « on: March 16, 2009, 09:47:41 AM » Quote Modify Remove
I was wondering if anyone else has had problems with cracks in the bottom of a 233 Dusky, 1997 model. I notice the cracks, just hairline cracks this weekend while diving. The cracks are on the crease of the chines and are as long as 6 to 8'. The are on all 4 chines, 2 on each side. I also notice a spot the width of the chine 1 1/2 inches wide and about 5 or 6 inches long where the hull is delaminating.Has anyone else had this type of problem?Does this mean I have internal problems with the hull?What is the best way to go about fixing this?I had always heard these hulls were bulletproof, that's why I bought the boat any help would be much appreciated.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 09:58:55 AM by Louis Rossignol » Report to moderator

Master Chief AdministratorHero Member OfflinePosts: 1895 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #1 on: March 16, 2009, 04:10:03 PM » Quote
Louis,We're gonna need some more info. Give us a call at 954-922-8890 ASAP. Heather a.k.a. Master Chief

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I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay.

DFurman Newbie OfflineModel: 233 CC, 256 CCPort: Elizabeth City, NCPosts: 10 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #2 on: April 06, 2009, 06:15:52 PM » Quote
My 93 had the exact same, but it also had a rough life. I figured they were par for that age of boat. I had no issues inside the boat, just the hairline cracks on the bottom.

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Louis Rossignol Newbie OnlineModel: 233 Dusky 1997Power: 250 Yamaha OX66Port: Kenner La.Posts: 11 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #3 on: April 09, 2009, 08:19:06 AM » Quote Modify Remove
Well, I paid Jefferson Fiberglass over here in La. to fix the area where the de lamination occurred. They did, and I took the boat out in the gulf for the first time yesterday. While swimming back to the boat, I noticed a new split about 3' long forward of where the delamination was repaired. When I get it up off the trailer, I will take pictures.

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Master Chief AdministratorHero Member OfflinePosts: 1895 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #4 on: April 09, 2009, 10:20:16 AM » Quote
This is a hard one without being able to physically inspect the boat ourselves. We've experienced a couple issues in the past with stress cracks in boats that were "abused" for lack of a better term. There have been cases where people have installed the trailer bunks improperly which can lead to the bunks gradually breaking down the hull from the constant beating on the "achilles' heel". Another possible cause is from improper t-top mounting. If the t-top is too heavy or improperly mounted it can cause the floor to continually impact the stringers until they are eventually pounded into the hull.While our hulls are the toughest in the industry, and live up to their tank-like reputation, even tanks have a weak spot and can take damage if not properly care for. We'll look for your pictures and see if we can narrow down the issue, but it will be quite hard without knowing the history and being able to perform a hands-on inspection.

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I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay.

Louis Rossignol Newbie OnlineModel: 233 Dusky 1997Power: 250 Yamaha OX66Port: Kenner La.Posts: 11 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #5 on: April 10, 2009, 12:10:00 AM » Quote Modify Remove
Here is a picture of the first spot that delaminated. This was fixed by a professional fiberglass comapany. I paid a pretty penny for that repair also. When I get it up off the trailer I will post of picture of the 3' crack I'm talking about. Not to mention the other side of the boat with all the spider cracks it has running along the same area. The fiberglass professional told me, they simply didn't install any stringers in this area.To tell you the truth, I love the boat but I am thoroughly disgusted. This is the last thing I thought I'd have to deal with, with a bullet-proof hull that Dusky claims to have.I respect your opionion about wanting to re-inspect the boat. It cost me $1000.00 just to get the boat out of South Fla. and over to Louisiana. I don't think I'm ready to spend that same cost both ways just for you to look at it, Heather. On the other hand I will appreciate any help you can give me.Louis Rossignol504-481-7529

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Captdavdavis01 Sr. Member OfflineModel: 233 fccPower: 250 marinerPort: va beach virginiaPosts: 397 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #6 on: April 10, 2009, 01:35:43 AM » Quote
For what its worth, it is a 12 year old hull. And it sounds like you are not the original owner, and there for, do not know how hard it was used or abused. It was your responsibility to get the hull and power surveyed prior to paying for said boat. Lets say you did, then you need to call the surveyor and talk to him. This however,does not reflect on Dusky due to age of the hull alone. If it were a new hull and you were the only owner, it MIGHT be a little bit different situation. But this is not the case. To me this is borderline mud slinging. No hull is completely impervious to developing issues. I think the best you might hope for is a rec. of a good glass shop. Btw, mine is a 88' hull and has some issues, but I dont expect anyone but me and myself to get them resolved. Not saying that that is what your doing, but it sound like it. Would you take a 12 year old truck back to the dealership and expect them to do something to it? as for where they "repaired", if you see a new "crack" forward of where the old one was, they didnt "repair" anything. They ground out the visible stuff and threw glass at it. A true crack, well, will involve alot of grinding to find the source, and mostlikely some sawzall action on the inside. you can hide a crack and mitigate it by glassing on both sides, but one side, its coming back. work on getting the pics up or just pm me for my email and I might have some insight for you. My help is FREE.Danny

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Louis Rossignol Newbie OnlineModel: 233 Dusky 1997Power: 250 Yamaha OX66Port: Kenner La.Posts: 11 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #7 on: April 10, 2009, 07:41:49 AM » Quote Modify Remove
I keep trying to post a picture but I keep getting an error message saying,The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator.Sorry about the borderline mudslinging, but I have been a Mako man all my life up until 2 years ago, and I have never had the bottom crack/ delaminate on any of the Makos we owned which were quite a few. Those hulls were mostly made in 76', 78, 82 and one in the 90's.

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Master Chief AdministratorHero Member OfflinePosts: 1895 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #8 on: April 10, 2009, 08:04:08 AM » Quote
You'll have to upload the photos to photobucket and then post on the forums. If you look in the announcements section there is detailed instructions on how to do so.I understand your frustration with the situation at hand. However, please keep in mind that while we put out the best product we possible can, we have no control over what happens after the boat leaves the factory. We've come across more crazy situations than you could probably imagine in our 43 years of business. We've heard of customers having their boats dropped off of forklifts in rack storage, fall off trailers while on the highway and even a few that were involved in car accidents. Every single one of those boats are still out there to the best of our knowledge. We can only advise people what to do, not force them to follow through on it.

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I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay.

Louis Rossignol Newbie OnlineModel: 233 Dusky 1997Power: 250 Yamaha OX66Port: Kenner La.Posts: 11 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #9 on: April 10, 2009, 08:42:31 AM » Quote Modify Remove
http://s639.photobucket.com/albums/u...=101_1852.jpgI don't know if this is working.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 08:44:05 AM by Louis Rossignol » Report to moderator

Master Chief AdministratorHero Member OfflinePosts: 1895 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #10 on: April 10, 2009, 08:55:54 AM » Quote
I got it. I assume that photo is from before the repair? We really need to see more than one photo to get the scope of the issue. Can you send me some of both before the repair and after as well?

« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 09:32:37 AM by Master Chief » Report to moderator Logged
I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay.
Rok out

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Old 04-24-2009, 04:36 PM   #27
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Re: Dusky Project

Louis Rossignol Newbie OnlineModel: 233 Dusky 1997Power: 250 Yamaha OX66Port: Kenner La.Posts: 11 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #11 on: April 10, 2009, 10:13:03 AM » Quote Modify Remove
Correct Heather, that was before the repair, I took these this morning.http://s639.photobucket.com/albums/u...1_1962.jpgThis is about the best I can give you, until I get the boat up off the trailer again. Basically I have hairline cracks along all 4 of the strakes but on the one inside strake on the port side, the cracking and delaminating are much worse. The man at the fiberglass shop tells me that their is no stringer there, he explains this area to me as a hollow spot. He told me when he fixed the first spot, that it may come back. He also told me, I may never have another problem with it, if it's just cosmetic. I am just having apprehensions to ripping out the floor and would probably seek another hull instead. Probably another make also.

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Master Chief AdministratorHero Member OfflinePosts: 1895 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #12 on: April 10, 2009, 10:48:12 AM » Quote
Again, we really can't see much from the photos. I can see a few things out of place however. First, the trailer bunks are not in the proper place. We install the bunks to line up with the stringers so the boat is resting on a strong spot. Right now the boat is NOT resting on the stringer and is on a weak spot of the hull. (If you take a look at the production photos you can see where the stringers are.) Second, the t-top is aftermarket, which may or may not be part of the issue. Last, there is the jack plate. At that time we were not installing jack plates. More than likely this was added on after the boat was damaged to compensate. Additionally, I pulled some records and saw that the last time this boat was registered was 07-19-2005. It's probably safe to assume it was neglected for a few years, because it surely couldn't have been used much without active registration. If you want to give us a call, we'll try to help you out as much as possible; starting with relocating the trailers bunks to the proper position to prevent further issues.

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I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay.

Louis Rossignol Newbie OnlineModel: 233 Dusky 1997Power: 250 Yamaha OX66Port: Kenner La.Posts: 11 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #13 on: April 10, 2009, 06:23:26 PM » Quote Modify Remove
This is the second motor I put on the boat, I put a 30" motor to help keep it out of the water when I slow down. So I put the jackplate on.The guy I bought the boat from had recently bought a new trailer. I'll try to check some photos to see where the bunks should be. If not I'll call you on Monday. Thanks.

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Louis Rossignol Newbie OnlineModel: 233 Dusky 1997Power: 250 Yamaha OX66Port: Kenner La.Posts: 11 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #14 on: April 13, 2009, 05:44:36 PM » Quote Modify Remove
I had someone come over to look at my boat this evening. We looked at the bottom, then he climbed in the boat and started looking around. When he got to the cabin, he asked, "Is that factory?" I told him that's the way I bought the boat. Here are some pictures of the inside of my cabin.http://s639.photobucket.com/albums/u...1_1967.jpgDoes Dusky cut the floor in this way for the cabin, or did the previous owner do this? If the previous owner did this, did he take out any support beams?Another question, do the bulkheads under the floor go all the way to the outside wall of the boat? The stringers seem to be solid from what we've looked at, also the bulkheads we can access seem to be in good shape, but the bottom is flexing from the outside wall to the inner chine.Also, I've since moved the trailer bunks inwards so that the boat is resting on the inside of the inside chine. How stable will it be on the trailer now, I got nervous and strapped the back of the boat down. I never had to do that before.Is there a diagram I can view to see the construction of the stringers and bulheads?Thanks,Louis

« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 05:51:21 PM by Louis Rossignol » Report to moderator
Rok out

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Old 04-24-2009, 04:37 PM   #28
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Re: Dusky Project

timnmatty Budweiser AmbassadorHero Member OfflineModel: 256 Open FishPower: Suzuki 300Port: HauloverPosts: 1915 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #15 on: April 13, 2009, 06:30:44 PM » Quote
Quote from: Louis Rossignol on April 13, 2009, 05:44:36 PMAlso, I've since moved the trailer bunks inwards so that the boat is resting on the inside of the inside chine. How stable will it be on the trailer now, I got nervous and strapped the back of the boat down. I never had to do that before.Thanks,LouisI always strap my boat both in the front and in the back and wouldn't recommend trailering it any other way. My 256 sits on the inside chimes and I have never had a problem with it. Be safe, strap it down. BTW your console looks normal from the pics.

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Master Chief AdministratorHero Member OfflinePosts: 1895 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #16 on: April 14, 2009, 08:19:02 AM » Quote
It does look like it is missing the ribbing that we install along the edge of the deck.

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I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay.

timnmatty Budweiser AmbassadorHero Member OfflineModel: 256 Open FishPower: Suzuki 300Port: HauloverPosts: 1915 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #17 on: April 14, 2009, 06:17:37 PM » Quote
MC, that looks just like my console, that's why I thought it was normal.

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jaytams Sr. Member OfflineModel: 256FCPower: Yamaha 250Port: Cape CoralPosts: 420 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #18 on: April 14, 2009, 06:20:39 PM » Quote
Quote from: timnmatty on April 14, 2009, 06:17:37 PMMC, that looks just like my console, that's why I thought it was normal.My console is actually open under the front seat. Batts are there and oil tank.

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timnmatty Budweiser AmbassadorHero Member OfflineModel: 256 Open FishPower: Suzuki 300Port: HauloverPosts: 1915 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #19 on: April 14, 2009, 06:22:52 PM » Quote
My batteries are under the front seat of the console as well.No more oil for me baby. I'm four strokin it!

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jaytams Sr. Member OfflineModel: 256FCPower: Yamaha 250Port: Cape CoralPosts: 420 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #20 on: April 14, 2009, 06:34:05 PM » Quote
Quote from: timnmatty on April 14, 2009, 06:22:52 PMMy batteries are under the front seat of the console as well.No more oil for me baby. I'm four strokin it! I prefer to two stroke with oil. I like the smell. Lots of fun installing batts isn't it?

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Louis Rossignol Newbie OnlineModel: 233 Dusky 1997Power: 250 Yamaha OX66Port: Kenner La.Posts: 11 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #21 on: April 21, 2009, 09:56:29 PM » Quote Modify Remove
Talked to the Fiberglass man yesterday. He's an ol' boatbuilder with a very large shop. These guys are building everything at this shop out of fiberglass.I showed him pictures of 23' Dusky's being built at the factory, that I found on this forum. He studies the pictures for several days and wonders why Dusky only puts 2 longitudinal stringers and has no support on the outside chines. He saw the pictures of the little pieces of wood that Dusky puts crossways in the boat on the outside of the stringers and basically said that these will not give any strength. He then preceeded to tell me that these people, (Dusky) build boats like 1st graders. He said he's been building boats for over 40 years and what I need is 2 more longitudinal stringers on the outside chines. He told me that the only way he could do this was for me to take out the console, T-top and leaning post if I wanted to save money. After his explanation, I can't help but to believe him. Okay, cost wise, 7-8 thousand for him to cut the floor around the edges of the liner, make an under the floor fish box infront of the console, something I've been needing since I bought the boat, which will be 4' long, put the floor back, and then fix the bottom that is delaminating. Also, now that the floor was out we could see cracks in the inside of the console floor and inside of the front hatch floor. He says this is all because the hull is flexing. When my boat is done, it will have 4 longitudinal stringers going from the bottom of the hull to the floor and then the length of the boat. He will move the bulkhead further forward for the fishbox, re-inforce both bulheads and insulate the underside of the new fishbox. I wonder why Dusky never thought of this? Maybe it's because of where your located, over here in Louisiana, as a diver, we always have problems getting all our fish in the boxes, no matter how large. This new fishbox will be around 300qt. Hopefully I wont fill it up too fast.Here is pictures of the first leg. http://s639.photobucket.com/albums/u...994.jpgI'm sure he was surprised, I picked up my boat yesterday and had it back to him for 9 o'clock this morning.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 10:05:10 PM by Louis Rossignol » Report to moderator
Rok out

DISCLAIMER: "My spearfishing is entirely legal in the geographic area within which I dive. If you don't like my pictures, posts or website then don't look. I will NOT waste any more bandwidth on this board (or my valuable drinking time) to argue with you ass clowns about it".



Last edited by Louis Rossignol; 04-27-2009 at 07:49 AM.
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Old 04-24-2009, 04:39 PM   #29
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Re: Dusky Project

timnmatty Budweiser AmbassadorHero Member OfflineModel: 256 Open FishPower: Suzuki 300Port: HauloverPosts: 1915 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #22 on: April 21, 2009, 10:26:54 PM » Quote
When I read this post I I hate to tell ya Lou but your boy is Probably hasn't had any income lately and saw you comin! I've been running Dusky boats for over 12 years and I beat the hell out of em! Never had a structural problem like you say!Sure you didn't run into an awl rig out thar in Lusianna! For someone to say that Dusky is built by a first grader is You don't stay in business for over 40 years building boats by building crap! You stay in business for 40 plus years by delivering a quality product. Your ol coonass buddy needs a good

« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 10:28:34 PM by timnmatty » Report to moderator Logged
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rocinante Newbie OfflineModel: 1986 256FCPower: 2008 Verado 300Port: MainePosts: 9 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #23 on: April 21, 2009, 11:06:13 PM » Quote
Quote from: Louis Rossignol on April 21, 2009, 09:56:29 PMOkay, cost wise, 7-8 thousand Sounds kind of expensive for a fish box. But I guess if you need it, you need it.Re: everything else you think you're paying for, I'm guessing you don't need it.Good luck.

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Louis Rossignol Newbie OnlineModel: 233 Dusky 1997Power: 250 Yamaha OX66Port: Kenner La.Posts: 11 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #24 on: Today at 03:19:17 AM » Quote Modify Remove
I knew everyone here would take up for Dusky. If you look at the pictures on this page, http://www.dusky.com/forum/index.php?topic=604.0you will see those little lateral supports don't even come up to join the floor. And if you look at the outside chine, you can see that once these supports move, the chine is a perfect place for the hull to flex. No, I didn't run into an oil rig. Also, I wouldn't be doing all of this just for a fish box. Furthermore, I don't think the guy is out of work, like I said, if you had read my post, he has a very large shop with plenty of employees working on all kinds of projects.When the floor comes out, I will take more pictures and post them. Then let's see all your comments.Bottom line is the bottom of the boat should not be coming apart unless it hit a solid object, which it has not. The damage is on both sides of the boat. And when the dealer tells you to take a 2x4 and pry up on the bottom to see if the hull is flexing on this one particular spot, that tells me, this isn't the first time.

« Last Edit: Today at 03:21:54 AM by Louis Rossignol » Report to moderator

PAPA SMURF Newbie OfflinePosts: 4 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #25 on: Today at 09:17:01 AM » Quote
Quote:"Talked to the Fiberglass man yesterday. He's an ol' coonass with a very large shop. These guys are building everything at this shop out of fiberglass.I showed him pictures of 23' Dusky's being built at the factory, that I found on this forum. He studies the pictures for several days and wonders why Dusky only puts 2 longitudinal stringers and has no support on the outside chines. He saw the pictures of the little pieces of wood that Dusky puts crossways in the boat on the outside of the stringers and basically said that these will not give any strength. He then preceeded to tell me that these people, (Dusky) build boats like 1st graders. He said he's been building boats for over 40 years and what I need is 2 more longitudinal stringers on the outside chines. He told me that the only way he could do this was for me to take out the console, T-top and leaning post if I wanted to save money. After his explanation, I can't help but to believe him."Re: So what is the name of his boat building company and how many of his boats are still in use after 43 years? The Dusky boat has worked for thousands of people for over 43 years and they stand by their product as long as the original owners have it.............Maybe you have a little buyers remorse for trying to be cheap and not buying direct from the factory. Quote: Bottom line is the bottom of the boat should not be coming apart unless it hit a solid object, which it has not. The damage is on both sides of the boat. And when the dealer tells you to take a 2x4 and pry up on the bottom to see if the hull is flexing on this one particular spot, that tells me, this isn't the first time.Re: How do you know it did not hit something? You just bought the boat didnt you? Did Master Chief not point out to you that the boat had not been registered in 4 years?

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In Deep Sr. Member OfflineModel: 256 FCPower: twin 150 Merc'sPort: BoyntonPosts: 359 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #26 on: Today at 09:24:13 AM » Quote
Do yourself a favor and get a second opinion. If this guy is right about the stringers wouldn't you think every dusky would have this problem? Just something to think about.

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Master Chief AdministratorHero Member OfflinePosts: 1895 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #27 on: Today at 09:46:46 AM » Quote
Louis, we could go round and round with dialog to refute your proclamations. However, I fail to see how that would be beneficial for either of us. In fact, it would more than likely only serve to frustrate you even further which is not my goal. I understand how frustrating it is when you make a major purchase only to find out after a very short period that the investment was not a sound one. However, I do not see how this is reflective of Dusky boats or the quality of the craftsmanship that goes into them. At one point you obviously felt highly enough of Dusky boats to purchase one. I am assuming sight unseen as I have yet to hear you mention a single thing about a pre-purchase survey. The bottom line is that the facts stand for themselves. Whenever you purchase a used vessel you have no way of knowing what you are getting into. You have no way of knowing how each and every previous owner has treated and cared for the vessel. For all you know, the boat could have been stored at a rack storage facility and fell out of its rack during a hurricane. We've seen it before. Perhaps the boat has not suffered any form of neglect or abuse in YOUR care, but you have no verifiable knowledge of what took place prior to that. While I can all understand your frustration and need to vent, I will not allow you to place blame where there is none.

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I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay.
Rok out

DISCLAIMER: "My spearfishing is entirely legal in the geographic area within which I dive. If you don't like my pictures, posts or website then don't look. I will NOT waste any more bandwidth on this board (or my valuable drinking time) to argue with you ass clowns about it".


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Old 04-24-2009, 04:44 PM   #30
Louis Rossignol
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Re: Dusky Project

timnmatty Budweiser AmbassadorHero Member OfflineModel: 256 Open FishPower: Suzuki 300Port: HauloverPosts: 1915 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #22 on: April 21, 2009, 10:26:54 PM » Quote
When I read this post I I hate to tell ya Lou but your boy is Probably hasn't had any income lately and saw you comin! I've been running Dusky boats for over 12 years and I beat the hell out of em! Never had a structural problem like you say!Sure you didn't run into an awl rig out thar in Lusianna! For someone to say that Dusky is built by a first grader is You don't stay in business for over 40 years building boats by building crap! You stay in business for 40 plus years by delivering a quality product. Your ol coonass buddy needs a good

« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 10:28:34 PM by timnmatty » Report to moderator Logged
Live for Today, Plan for Tomorrow, Party tonight, Fish as often as possible!

rocinante Newbie OfflineModel: 1986 256FCPower: 2008 Verado 300Port: MainePosts: 9 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #23 on: April 21, 2009, 11:06:13 PM » Quote
Quote from: Louis Rossignol on April 21, 2009, 09:56:29 PMOkay, cost wise, 7-8 thousand Sounds kind of expensive for a fish box. But I guess if you need it, you need it.Re: everything else you think you're paying for, I'm guessing you don't need it.Good luck.

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Louis Rossignol Newbie OnlineModel: 233 Dusky 1997Power: 250 Yamaha OX66Port: Kenner La.Posts: 11 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #24 on: Today at 03:19:17 AM » Quote Modify Remove
I knew everyone here would take up for Dusky. If you look at the pictures on this page, http://www.dusky.com/forum/index.php?topic=604.0you will see those little lateral supports don't even come up to join the floor. And if you look at the outside chine, you can see that once these supports move, the chine is a perfect place for the hull to flex. No, I didn't run into an oil rig. Also, I wouldn't be doing all of this just for a fish box. Furthermore, I don't think the guy is out of work, like I said, if you had read my post, he has a very large shop with plenty of employees working on all kinds of projects.When the floor comes out, I will take more pictures and post them. Then let's see all your comments.Bottom line is the bottom of the boat should not be coming apart unless it hit a solid object, which it has not. The damage is on both sides of the boat. And when the dealer tells you to take a 2x4 and pry up on the bottom to see if the hull is flexing on this one particular spot, that tells me, this isn't the first time.

« Last Edit: Today at 03:21:54 AM by Louis Rossignol » Report to moderator

PAPA SMURF Newbie OfflinePosts: 4 Re: Cracks in the bottom of the hull on a 233 1997 Dusky « Reply #25 on: Today at 09:17:01 AM » Quote
Quote:"Talked to the Fiberglass man yesterday. He's an ol' coonass with a very large shop. These guys are building everything at this shop out of fiberglass.I showed him pictures of 23' Dusky's being built at the factory, that I found on this forum. He studies the pictures for several days and wonders why Dusky only puts 2 longitudinal stringers and has no support on the outside chines. He saw the pictures of the little pieces of wood that Dusky puts crossways in the boat on the outside of the stringers and basically said that these will not give any strength. He then preceeded to tell me that these people, (Dusky) build boats like 1st graders. He said he's been building boats for over 40 years and what I need is 2 more longitudinal stringers on the outside chines. He told me that the only way he could do this was for me to take out the console, T-top and leaning post if I wanted to save money. After his explanation, I can't help but to believe him."Re: So what is the name of his boat building company and how many of his boats are still in use after 43 years? The Dusky boat has worked for thousands of people for over 43 years and they stand by their product as long as the original owners have it.............Maybe you have a little buyers remorse for trying to be cheap and not buying direct from the factory. Quote: Bottom line is the bottom of the boat should not be coming apart unless it hit a solid object, which it has not. The damage is on both sides of the boat. And when the dealer tells you to take a 2x4 and pry up on the bottom to see if the hull is flexing on this one particular spot, that tells me, this isn't the first time.Re: How do you know it did not hit something? You just bought the boat didnt you? Did Master Chief not point out to you that the boat had not been registered in 4 years?

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Rok out

DISCLAIMER: "My spearfishing is entirely legal in the geographic area within which I dive. If you don't like my pictures, posts or website then don't look. I will NOT waste any more bandwidth on this board (or my valuable drinking time) to argue with you ass clowns about it".


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