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California Spearfishing Talk here about spearfishing on California's Pacific Coast, and post those reports and photos!

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Old 08-28-2015, 05:25 PM   #1
So Cal Shaggy
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Anyone heard of the CCA?

Has anyone heard of the CCA? The CCA (Coastal Conservation Association) is an organization working hard to educate the public on managing our marine resources, and aligning recreational anglers, spearfishermen, and all those who want to MANAGE (and not close!) our resources! They are working to drive science-based decisioning (vs. arbitrary closings). CCA currently has over 200 chapters across 17 states, and is launching the California and Los Angeles chapters this month. Basically they are a group similar to United anglers except they are nation wide with already established chapters, experience and resources to help battle the threats to our ocean uses. They are looking to expand their chapter range here in Ca to not only LA but also they want to create an OC and SD chapters as well but they do not want to only have fishermen they also want divers and anyone else who uses the ocean in a consumptive manner. I have been approached by them to serve on the OC chapter but we need more people interested in helping out creating, organizing and education members in every chapter. Please get the word out to the community, they have yet to find a POC for the SD region and really would like to speak to any group interested. I know this is a task that many if all of us would rather not have to be involved with but we need to organize and create groups like this to safeguard our uses in the ocean. Many threats that may seem to not affect spearos will affect us. The ban on lead ammo for hunting is already starting to spread to sinkers for fishermen and soon all lead which is what dive belts use for weight so even if you can still spear you will not be able to use a weight belt. There is already legislation in the works to ban lead, copper and zinc from the ocean which would be a triple threat to all of us.
Jeff Sporcich
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Old 08-28-2015, 05:40 PM   #2
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Re: Anyone heard of the CCA?

IMO, the CCA is now corrupt because it is so big. In my experience these big organizations get co-opted by the nefarious that have an opposite agenda. The NRA is a prime example. Don't trust them either.
The CCA has supported some bills that weren't in the spearfishing community interests here in FL. Be careful.
“If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?”
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Old 08-28-2015, 06:14 PM   #3
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Re: Anyone heard of the CCA?

Jeff, I know some of the Florida CCA guys.

While I understand where Marcus is coming from, I also think CCA is a pro-fishing political force to reckoned with for sure. Most of the time their interests are aligned with spearos and we need them on our side in fighting against stupid, nonsensical, anti-fishing activists that advocate regulations that are not based on the best science.

I recently teamed up with CCA and others to defeat a proposed recommendation by a local quasi-governmental work group with some members proposing a national marine sanctuary in my back yard of South east Florida from Miami north several counties. That useless layer of new regulations was opposed strongly by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission staff and we defeated it on a work group vote of 8 to 6. But, believe me the environmental members like Ocean Conservancy and some dive charter operators will not be giving up easily.

Jeff, you will be a great ambassador for spearfishing. Just educate them that discrimination against a gear type like spearing is not wise. It is far better that CCA and us work together united against the opposing powerful, well-funded, and often unreasonable forces against sustainable fishing.

My 2 cents, Tony
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Old 08-28-2015, 06:26 PM   #4
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Re: Anyone heard of the CCA?

They saved the redfish population here in Texas and are generally appreciated by our sportsmen. They do not advocate for spearfishing as far as I know. In Texas, you can't spear anything classified as a gamefish, so their efforts to classify species like the redfish as a gamefish would preclude our ranks from targeting those species. They've done great things, but scrutiny will always follow large non-profits.

I like CCA but I imagine you will only find them helpful if your interests happen to align with rod and reel fishing.

Many of my Florida spearing contacts hate CCA.
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Old 08-28-2015, 07:54 PM   #5
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Re: Anyone heard of the CCA?

IMO, any time an organization gets big enough to foment change it ends up getting co-opted by people to destroy it in the interests of MUCH bigger money.
De-centralization is key. Stay vigilant.
My adventure/exploration to understand why these rule makers acting insanely in my backyard got me to where I am today...fully awake. It's not pretty, but at least now I understand what's going on.
“If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?”
― Frederic Bastiat, The Law
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Old 09-04-2015, 03:37 PM   #6
Myrran McKeen
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Re: Anyone heard of the CCA?

They spoke at last month Neptune's meeting. Seems legit. I still have the pamphlet in my truck.
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Old 05-17-2016, 05:49 PM   #7
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Re: Anyone heard of the CCA?

They have pro's and con's! Commercial Guys typically don't agree with a lot of what the defend! Pacific Northwest Salmon Gill Netters are struggling because of what CCA has done, not saying it's bad! Then yes Texas fisheries are healthier than ever because of the Conservation efforts! They have great fish programs and educate the general public! I myself am trying to start a petition in texas to have GameFish be allowed to be harvested with speargun! But that's an issue I am pursuing in texas! I feel Tripletail, and Cobia are healthy in Statewaters and we should be allowed to harvest! As sport fisherman the numbers harvested vs Spearfisherman are super low! I would assume that's even true on a national level! I feel we should be allowed to harvest the same species the hook and line anglers catch already! Our footprint is so small compared to the anglers! Truly we are in the 1000's as Spearfisherman! And Hook and Line guys are in the millions! But this is shifting and as North America continues to promote Spearfishing it will become main stream! We will see more Spearo Shows, and Commercial Company's! It's the last of the small outdoor industry in North America!
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Old 03-04-2017, 10:54 PM   #8
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Re: Anyone heard of the CCA?

My two cents in these organizations... I have bad feelings toward large organizations like the CCA, just like our very own fish and game here in California... These organizations are always asking us divers to fill surveys, turn in punch cards, and fill out opinion forms of what we feel is going on in the water... I feel, and again just my opinion, we can fill out all the questionnaires and give our experienced opinions, and they will still do whatever they want... Example, I have heard a number of different ideas to regulate the abalone take season to season, most of which make total sense... There are ways to conserve our abalone especially in northern California, but the fish and game make their own minds up and stick with the shrinking of zones and limits of taking... And now, after ten years of shrinking, there is only a small coastal mileage anglers are allowed to take abalone... In conclusion, no matter how many experienced divers these organizations "ask" for advise, its simply a tactic of theirs to make us feel like we have a say in the matter, when really they have already made up their mind... They have an agenda, and asking us to join survey groups is just a simple way to keep us feeling like we have a say
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Old 04-03-2022, 05:55 PM   #9
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Re: Anyone heard of the CCA?

Been working with CCA for 6 months keeping La Jolla open to spearos. I found them fair and ethical.
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