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Old 03-18-2005, 07:01 PM   #1
Louis Rossignol
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Kenner Louisiana
Age: 60
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How to Distinguish a Black Fin from a Little Tunny

I recived this quote from Stan Smith, thought yall would enjoy.

Wouldn't a Blackfin Tuna fall under the Tuna category? I'm so confused.

"Not if the fish is taken in less than 138fsw. To make sure it's not a Little Tunny you have to stick your entire middle finger up its rectum (spit helps) and put a slight bend in your finger. Now, hang the fish by the rectum until the fish falls off, now smell your finger. If it smells like caaarp, it's not a tuna. Wipe finger on pants and repeat the process."

He's not funny in person but he writes some funny stuff to the Hell Divers.

Rok out
Rok out

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