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Technical Spearfishing Technical Scuba diving is generally defined as going deeper than 130 feet. You must have the proper training for this extreme aspect of spearfishing.

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Old 02-22-2016, 03:06 AM   #211
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Re: How deep on air?

I did a dive to 220 on a wall last year and that was dumb for me, I was so narced out I couldnt reload my gun and went back up to about 100 with the fish I shot before I could figure it out. Not my kind of fun but 130 is ok
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Old 02-23-2016, 04:27 PM   #212
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Re: How deep on air?

Diving "deep air" is all about "practice". If you gradually increase depth narcosis is not a problem.
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Old 04-27-2016, 06:32 PM   #213
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Re: How deep on air?

Deep air has way more hazards than just narcosis. You are ten times more likely to get bent and the risk is exponentially increased with repetitive dives. Thinking you can acclimate your body to increase its tolerance to nitrogen saturation is as silly as a drunk stating he is good to drive because he is used to being drunk. You are absolutely kidding yourself if you believe this.

There are other complications to increased nitrogen uptake besides narcosis that is far more hazardous long term. If you are young it will take a while but over time the soft tissues in your joints accumulate permanent damage that compounds over time and makes life miserable as you age. This increases your chances on taking a hit during a dive as scar tissue does not off gas at the same rate as healthy tissue in joints such as in your shoulders and hips.

If you are lucky you can just end up with a titanium hip resulting from vascular necrosis brought on by a nitrogen bubble. No biggy though, not having the ability run or jump or play ball with your kids is a small price to pay diving on "rat poison"..... Right?
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Old 04-30-2016, 06:45 AM   #214
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Re: How deep on air?

Increased PO2 may be responsible for a some of the necrosis,so diving lots of rich mixes shallower than 130' may leave you hurt too.Helium really is your friend if you can get it locally,the US is really lucky to have as much as we do.

Not as prevalent in rec guys doing bounces deep as commercial guys who do multi-dive days repeatedly.Early studies had what they called then "fishermen divers"at 50%+ chance of developing Dysbaric Osteonecrosis.
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