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Old 05-28-2017, 08:46 PM   #1
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New to Spearfishing PNW

Long story, I've been diving since about 2003, and diving in Washington since about 2009. I was first around spearfishing in FL, and always wanted to try it. I'm advanced, full cave, trimix, deco, overhead side mount certified... I got a little 15.5' catamaran inflatable dive boat project a couple years back to start trying to spearfish, since I know in the Puget Sound it's shunned, which is why I hesitated getting a spear gun while I was primarily shore diving. We've taken the little boat all over, from shrimping at Speiden Is., 5 days of small craft advisories while shore camping in the San Juans, down to the Tacoma Narrows area as well.

From what I understand ling cod is always a short season, cabezon is several months, greenlings all year, and scallops and what not in the san juans is generally open. We will probably be crabbing from the boat or diving for them this summer as well.

I'm usually pretty picky about new dive buddies, but since some of mine have been flaking out, or quitting diving I occasionally need some fishing friendly dive buddies, with good awareness and buoyancy, along with being reliable about showing up on time. I really don't want to be left at the boat ramp when I am supposed to be spearfishing in the San Juans. :P

Currently working on building a gun rack for the tower, and and a half dozen other projects.

So if you want to go do some diving let me know, we usually try to get one or two days of diving a month in from Spring to Fall, mid summer depends on algae blooms and if I want to get in the drysuit in the heat.

Last edited by PNW SMDiver; 05-29-2017 at 12:39 AM.
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Old 05-29-2017, 04:26 PM   #2
My name is Adam
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Re: New to Spearfishing PNW

Welcome to Spearboard.
Looks like you have a nice set up there.

I only free dive now, but there are quite a few scuba guys around as well.
If you haven't already, a local dive shop may be a good resource too.

I can't wait for the water to clear up a bit. Diving in pea soup isn't to much fun.
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Old 06-24-2017, 04:19 PM   #3
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Re: New to Spearfishing PNW

Hmmm.... Viz in Sound was decent for our trips this season. Albeit I could see how free diving might be a little more difficult to time good viz during large tidal cycles. Thanks for the welcome.
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Old 07-02-2017, 11:58 AM   #4
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Re: New to Spearfishing PNW


Where do you actually live?
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Old 07-04-2017, 03:11 AM   #5
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Re: New to Spearfishing PNW

Originally Posted by PNW SMDiver View Post
Long story, I've been diving since about 2003, and diving in Washington since about 2009. I was first around spearfishing in FL, and always wanted to try it. I'm advanced, full cave, trimix, deco, overhead side mount certified... I got a little 15.5' catamaran inflatable dive boat project a couple years back to start trying to spearfish, since I know in the Puget Sound it's shunned, which is why I hesitated getting a spear gun while I was primarily shore diving. We've taken the little boat all over, from shrimping at Speiden Is., 5 days of small craft advisories while shore camping in the San Juans, down to the Tacoma Narrows area as well.

From what I understand ling cod is always a short season, cabezon is several months, greenlings all year, and scallops and what not in the san juans is generally open. We will probably be crabbing from the boat or diving for them this summer as well.

I'm usually pretty picky about new dive buddies, but since some of mine have been flaking out, or quitting diving I occasionally need some fishing friendly dive buddies, with good awareness and buoyancy, along with being reliable about showing up on time. I really don't want to be left at the boat ramp when I am supposed to be spearfishing in the San Juans. :P

Currently working on building a gun rack for the tower, and and a half dozen other projects.

So if you want to go do some diving let me know, we usually try to get one or two days of diving a month in from Spring to Fall, mid summer depends on algae blooms and if I want to get in the drysuit in the heat.
Hey SMDiver, I've been diving in the San Juans for almost 7 years now and have been through PFI Freediving/safety classes, and also years of maritime courses in school (including electrical and boat construction), so I might be able to lend a hand with those projects. Im out of the country until the 9th of August, but once I get back feel free to give me a shout. Im always looking for new dive buddies as well.

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Old 09-13-2017, 06:26 PM   #6
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Re: New to Spearfishing PNW

Originally Posted by Thiofjappekat View Post

Where do you actually live?
South of Seattle, Kent/Renton area.

Originally Posted by SeaHunter3 View Post
Hey SMDiver, I've been diving in the San Juans for almost 7 years now and have been through PFI Freediving/safety classes, and also years of maritime courses in school (including electrical and boat construction), so I might be able to lend a hand with those projects. Im out of the country until the 9th of August, but once I get back feel free to give me a shout. Im always looking for new dive buddies as well.

Sweet, I'm definitely still looking for dive buddies this fall and for the next puget sound spearfishing season. I haven't been in the water since after spear season in the Sound was over, I rarely dive in the summer anyhow. Feel free to reach and get ahold of me and I can try to get out and dive. Sometimes my schedule is a little chaotic.
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