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Old 09-09-2020, 03:20 PM   #1
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Jet Ski for Diving

Or universally a "PWC". I wanted to get people's thoughts on using one for diving/spearfishing. The following is what I'm trying to accomplish:

- Carry a partner with gear
- Launch from the smaller boat ramps
- Navigate and handle rough water should the water get bad

I realize there isn't a whole lot of room on a ski, but with the use of a tow board (HSA boards), I can carry the gear I need. I'd like to find out if anyone out there has used one, with a partner on the same ski, for spearfishing.

I do have a 22' boat that I also use, but I'm not wanting to launch at the other ramps since they're a bit sketchy.
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Old 10-09-2020, 07:51 PM   #2
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Re: Jet Ski for Diving

4,800+ views and no one?

I tried my best to contact kwtony since it appeared that he used ski's for spearfishing, but he's unresponsive all around.

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Old 07-12-2022, 03:52 PM   #3
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Re: Jet Ski for Diving

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Old 07-12-2022, 04:16 PM   #4
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Re: Jet Ski for Diving

I am not familiar with the Island but here in Southern California, I would say sure.
There are a bunch of variables to consider though: forecasted weather conditions, depth and target species.

*You would have to dive shallow enough that you can dive down and set your anchor
*make sure your ski doesn’t capsize from afternoon wind chop
*how much fish you are wanting to take and how big is the species you are chasing

In all, I don’t think you need advise at all. What you really need, is to go out there with your 22’ boat and visualize yourself in a jet ski. Then ask yourself if it would work.

Here in So Cal, it would work most times if: returning before noon, diving inside protected areas like inside breakwalls, the front side of Catalina and staying the night for next day AM return, etc.

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Old 07-13-2022, 08:52 AM   #5
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Re: Jet Ski for Diving

There is a youtube channel called YoungBloods where the guy spearfishes off his PWC all the time. I have been looking at it as an option for a while now especially with fuel prices these days.
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Old 07-13-2022, 03:29 PM   #6
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Re: Jet Ski for Diving

Since my original post almost two years ago, it's been on and off for me on committing to getting a ski. Looking back on it now, I should've just bought a new one when they were in stock in 2020. Now, it's at least a two year wait for anything new, and used ones are slim pickings.

I used to be subscribed to YoungBloods and I remember when he picked up his SeaDoo. It's good to see his layout, although how he set things up was rather minimal. Ideally, it would be nice to have feedback from other people with ski's that do this.

Originally Posted by carrasco View Post
I am not familiar with the Island but here in Southern California, I would say sure.
There are a bunch of variables to consider though: forecasted weather conditions, depth and target species.

*You would have to dive shallow enough that you can dive down and set your anchor
*make sure your ski doesn’t capsize from afternoon wind chop
*how much fish you are wanting to take and how big is the species you are chasing

In all, I don’t think you need advise at all. What you really need, is to go out there with your 22’ boat and visualize yourself in a jet ski. Then ask yourself if it would work.

Here in So Cal, it would work most times if: returning before noon, diving inside protected areas like inside breakwalls, the front side of Catalina and staying the night for next day AM return, etc.
Appreciate the input. It's mostly for reef diving and my target species are normally 3 ft or smaller. I take very little fish these days as it's only for me. I don't shoot for anyone else. I'll likely also use it for bluewater diving and probably just use a parachute anchor in the deep, if needed.

The water in my target areas are very choppy and the wind can be an issue if it picks up. My kayaks can only get me so far and it becomes dangerous when the wind picks up as some places it blows out to sea. The ski is mainly to get me from point A to B, where the ride doesn't have to be comfortable or dry. I'll have a wetsuit on anyway and I'm not planning to fish much, so the stationary rocking won't bother me.

With using the boat, usually someone is on there the entire time. If the water is choppy, it can be miserable for the person waiting.

I'm also hoping that I can pull the ski when moving spots, instead of having to retract anchor completely, start up, and move.

I've also similarly asked this in a dedicated ski forum, but no one with first hand experience there.

I know that people do ski diving here, so it's not a new thing, and I know it's doable. Just trying to get feedback from others.
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Old 05-21-2023, 07:04 AM   #7
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Re: Jet Ski for Diving

Yea, I'm thinking along the same lines and was wondering if there is a better ski to spearfish off of than a SeaDoo Fish Pro Trophy? If so, why? Water conditions isn't a factor, I'll always have it anchored or drifting with a sock.
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