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Florida Gulfcoast Spearfishing Post here to discuss regional action or issues about spearing on Florida's Gulfcoast.

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Old 02-09-2015, 04:41 AM   #1
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Guantanamo Bay Cuba

Just started spear fishing in Guantanamo Bay area. I'm new to spear fishing and for now only doing free diving up to about 25 ft. Any areas I should spend more/less time at? I want to snag a barracuda and a grouper at some point.
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Old 02-09-2015, 10:15 AM   #2
spearo #uno
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Re: Guantanamo Bay Cuba

Ok let's see...
A. You are in the most beautifull island eyes have ever seen!
B. You already have a speargun and some diving gear/hunting gear.
C. The waters edge is close to you so you can "read the surf" nicely.

Take the area where you can hunt and make it into sections in your head, markers or on paper and start doing your homework.
You need to work these sections to see what they hold even if you don't bring anything for dinner at first as some areas will be better than others for many reasons.
There is something diffrent about hunting UW every time you work an area even if you work the same place over and over because you never know who will be just arond the corner on that day.

I hope this is some help to you as I can't tell you from my desk where your next Cuda kill is going to be but just keep working it safetly and you too will get lucky some time.

Best of luck to you, I just wish I could be there right now!
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Old 02-12-2015, 09:36 PM   #3
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Re: Guantanamo Bay Cuba

my buddy used to be stationed there. Ill ask him and see what he says. I remember he told me he was shootin snook and grouper.
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Old 02-13-2015, 12:28 AM   #4
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Re: Guantanamo Bay Cuba

I rarely targeted cuda when I was there ('90-'95) but on several occasions saw schools of two dozen or so 'great barracuda' at the spot known as 'Cable Crossing' near McCalla field. (not to be confused with 'Cable Beach' outside the bay) I saw cuda at plenty other spots too, but only remember seeing the big ones school there. They hung around not far from the shore entry there.

Snook are an easy target, and delicious fish. Buoy 2A vicinity was a good spot for snook when I was there. There was a resident bull or two (or more) in that vicinity too. That buoy may have been relocated or removed since then.

Another good snook spot was a certain big coral mound on Leeward side at the east end of the runway. I remember seeing some big cubera taken from there too. (Wish I'd been so lucky.)

Also between the finger rows of coral just outside the bay boundary on Leeward side would often hold snook.

And yet another good snook (and mutton) spot was a pair of coral groupings between south end of McCalla and Phillips Park pier. In fact, I can see them on Google Maps now. Draw a line SSW about 600 meters from the end of McCalla runway pavement, and ENE about 500 meters from Phillips pier. Notice a couple of dark spots in that big sandy patch? Good hunting there (20 yrs ago at least.)

Good luck, and be safe.

Last edited by parker; 02-13-2015 at 12:57 AM.
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Old 02-14-2015, 12:48 AM   #5
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Re: Guantanamo Bay Cuba

Thank you very much for the help! I'll be sure and check out those spots.
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free dive, guantanamo bay, new diver

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