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Old 01-09-2016, 12:25 PM   #16
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

Originally Posted by kehloken View Post
So that's your reaction because I tell the truth about rebreather's. You are the one that's an idiot. For the main fact if you dive a rebreather you're going to die.
Because as the facts are whether you're an expert or beginner you will die diving on rebreather.
And you know that's very old news to cut down peoples credibility on their spelling or their paragraphs or anything they post.

In the way I see it if you have a wife and I feel very sorry for her if you do, because obviously she is the only man in your family.
You cry and whine like a little girl.

Prove that rebreather's don't kill you and you can't do that. And statistics will just show you year after year. I'm just trying to figure out why they killed so many people and after so many years and so much experience you die.

Anything you want to do is cover up with some other story like oh he was sick prior.
Which in the findings did not have much to do with it but that's just what you in the rebreather world want to portray.

So I don't know how your life insurance is or how it is when you do rebreather cause I mean basically when you Dive a rebreather that's basically committing suicide.
No, my reaction is because of your obvious lack of credibility, knowledge, and intelligence. It's transparent to anyone reading your posts you don't know how rebreathers function, you don't understand accident analysis, and you lack basic fundamental reading and writing skills. For example, in your last paragraph a post ago you say you don't know where it's legal to spearfish on a rebreather and then conclude your paragraph stating it must be legal to spearfish on a rebreather? And "JJ Evo or something like that." Yes, something like that indeed. I can't follow your logic train as it derailed before you started posting.
Keep throwing out emotional nonsense about me committing suicide, cover ups, talking about my wife, etc. You are a joke.
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Old 01-09-2016, 12:31 PM   #17
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

You understand the accident analyst then you understand what I'm talking about the JJ evo situation.

Regardless of what I know about rebreather's I will know, as I keep looking further into this particular subject.

I'm just trying to save your life but obviously you don't care, and you really should if you have a family.
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Old 01-09-2016, 12:31 PM   #18
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

Originally Posted by kehloken View Post
And I'm only under the impression that the only reason that you're acting this way, is maybe you teach rebreather's or you do not want the litigation that can happen from rebreather's.
So therefore that is why when the rebreather accident happens they don't want anybody to say anything no information at all because if they do then they could be liable For the death of that students rebreather or that team member on rebreather.
so to give in adequate and in accurate information is pretty much the way I see it in the rebreather world from the people that teach rebreather's.

And how it should be is if you teach someone how do use and certify them in a rebreather you should be held accountable if they die, other than gear Malfunction.
Therefore you need to step up the teaching process. Obviously you need to be a perfect diver and a perfect person to do this. But it comes right down to somebody's just trying to make money and make a living and I could care less whether you live or die, as in oh you need to pay me upfront for everything before we go for this dive.

So litigation must be a huge part of the reason for the rebreather world to hide any information when death comes upon. But in the Scuba world they'll try to learn to save people to live by Getting as much information about how someone died.
Here on spear board for free diving it's put up to you point blank shallow water blackout you're going to die, if you continue to have shallow water blackout, Or are not prepared for one.

But in the rebreather world they want their money they don't want you to say anything because they know rebreather's will kill you, and it showing more and more that anybody that teaches her promotes rebreather's could care less.
Nope. Sorry, completely wrong again (surprise, surprise).
You continue to let your stupidity flow unchecked. See, if you took a rebreather class, participated on a rebreather forum, or attended a technical dive symposium, you would quickly (well, for you maybe not so quickly) realize you are completely and utterly wrong about the above. So, so ****ing wrong.
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Old 01-09-2016, 12:32 PM   #19
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

Originally Posted by kehloken View Post
You understand the accident analyst then you understand what I'm talking about the JJ evo situation.

Regardless of what I know about rebreather's I will know, as I keep looking further into this particular subject.

I'm just trying to save your life but obviously you don't care, and you really should if you have a family.
Here is a clue champ, the JJ and the Evo are two very different rebreathers. I know not what situation you are blithering on about.
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Old 01-09-2016, 12:32 PM   #20
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

OK let me do a Google search and see what I come up with.
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Old 01-09-2016, 12:33 PM   #21
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

Well that was quick enough I didn't read it all but I read enough in the first paragraph

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Old 01-09-2016, 12:37 PM   #22
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

Originally Posted by kehloken View Post
OK let me do a Google search and see what I come up with.
LMAO. Yes, because that is what competent, knowledgeable subject matter experts do. A google search.


You are killing me...not the rebreather!!! LMFAO!
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Old 01-09-2016, 12:41 PM   #23
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

OK so it's a JJ CCR fatalities have been using Shearwater CCR controllers certified to not be functionally safe.
I read it a week ago so I'm just going off memory which that's fine it's easy enough to look up again.
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Old 01-09-2016, 12:42 PM   #24
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

Originally Posted by kehloken View Post
Well that was quick enough I didn't read it all but I read enough in the first paragraph

LMAO! Keep it up! "I didn't read it all."
So, that was a summary of Rebreather Forum 3 presentation, a public symposium held so that industry, instructors, and divers could learn more about rebreather issues, improving training, emerging technology, etc.

Please, please tell us more about these cover ups and refusals to discuss rebreather safety within the community. If you don't recognize that sarcasm, I am pointing out that you are debunking yourself. And as I have also stated, you are also revealing you don't know what you are talking about.

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Old 01-09-2016, 12:43 PM   #25
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

Well that's fine you keep on trying to hide the litigation because obviously that's a huge part of it as you read that link that I put in there.

Makes perfect sense why this rebreather diver in California off of Catalina Island it was a hush-hush on his death.
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Old 01-09-2016, 12:44 PM   #26
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

Well the only thing I really do know is you keep diving that rebreather you're going to die.
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Old 01-09-2016, 12:49 PM   #27
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

Sun is out and it's slack tide here in a little bit, so I'm going to go for a dive spearfishing and let's see if I die not using A rebreather. Course I will live I'm not diving a rebreather.
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Old 01-09-2016, 01:14 PM   #28
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

Originally Posted by kehloken View Post
Well that's fine you keep on trying to hide the litigation because obviously that's a huge part of it as you read that link that I put in there.

Makes perfect sense why this rebreather diver in California off of Catalina Island it was a hush-hush on his death.
What litigation are you talking about? It's hard for me to hide something when I have no clue to what you are speaking of? And furthermore, litigation following an accident that resulted in a death - that is shocking! Shocking I tell you! I didn't realize rampant litigation was an issue here in the U.S.

Nevermind. I am done with you muppet. My head is hurting trying to decipher what the hell your random thought process is trying to present here. Aside from your ignorance.

But bookmark this page. It is entirely possible that I may unfortunately screw up and die while diving. Especially given the types of diving I do. But I have been trained, I have gathered a significant amount of experience, and I have done the risk analysis. And yet I may still die.

Anyone that knows me knows I have never been a cheerleader for rebreathers. I have provided unbiased information and talked numerous people out of getting rebreathers. Either because they didn't need them or they were not ready for rebreathers. They are a tool, simple as that. So don't think my response to you supports your theory. I simply abhor ignorance, lies, and stupidity. Got that cupcake?

So should I die, search for this thread, repost it, and gloat. It still won't change the fact you are a clueless, ignorant, oblivious fool.
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Old 01-09-2016, 04:49 PM   #29
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

I'm glad you're done posting because now your post meant nothing anyways, because really you are like a five-year-old little girl. And I'm real sorry that your head hurts so why don't you go take some baby aspirin make it feel better.
But if you didn't understand about the spearfishing on rebreather's it's because you can't comprehend.
And as always like a child all you can do his name call.

So maybe through research I might be able to figure out why Patric Nichols rebreather diver that died at the East End of Catalina island, made one post a while back to rebreather forum and never continued on after nobody replied to him either.
No other comment that I seen he made except comment on the TDI website.
And it appears that he must a certified Asian girl in a rebreather, or just knows her.

I'm sure when you get into the rebreather you know you're going to want to self-study and get as prepared as you can, so Patrick probably bought a lot of books and studied on the Internet. But it just seems like a short time after he started rebreather diving that he died. And gear malfunctions from the rebreather's is a pretty high rate.

Now through the years it always seem like the rebreather divers had to make a choice not to dive more than to dive, and is it also that what drives a man to his death with the rebreather, I need to get out there to go diving they just get tired of different small problems and then think so well it'll be all right. And then the oxygen levels just don't work out.

Just like everybody had the big thing of carbon monoxide testers, this way you could tell if your tank was contaminated. You have your oxygen and tri mix analyzers.

So why is it that the system that the rebreather's use to let you know things are good to go, fails the human computer.

Eventually all will come out from all the hidden information about rebreather deaths.
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Old 01-09-2016, 04:59 PM   #30
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Re: Rebreather's Will Kill You

Ahhh...winter again.
“If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?”
― Frederic Bastiat, The Law
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