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Old 10-04-2020, 05:01 AM   #16
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Tequesta, FL
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Re: Why are my groupers and snappers cooking into rubber??

Originally Posted by Gary H View Post
Just throwing this out there - when I cook beef, I don't try to cook the whole cow in one piece.

Same goes for larger fish and even lobster. If you try to cook a large piece of fish on high heat, when the outside is done, the inside isn't. When the inside is done, the outside is overdone!

Back to cooking beef example, when I grill a whole filet, I cook it on low heat for 45 minutes to an hour for rare. If I cut the filet into smaller pieces, then rare is achieved in 5 minutes or less. I prefer cooking in one large piece because being off a minute or two isn't a big deal - it also gives me more drinking time

So, I suggest either cooking smaller sized pieces hot and quick as suggested in other posts, or if you want to cook large pieces, do it on low heat for an extended period of time.
Very good info, thanks for sharing
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