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ANYH2O ANYH2O is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. FWFishSlayer
    06-03-2014 11:52 PM
    Do we have to join before the meet? or can we there? is it a separate charge to join RMSA and enter the meet? sorry for so many questions and thanks for the info. I have been wanting to join RMSA anyway so it should be good.
  2. Fish-out-a-wata
    12-03-2013 03:08 PM
    I work in timeshare so i got a pretty good gig for places to stay. My buddy might be flaking on the kayak do you want to spend cash or are you just trying to trade?
  3. FinsFurFeathers
    02-08-2013 02:56 AM
    If I find a person to track points, most likely they will know little about this sort of thing. Are there a few sentences you could say, that I could convey to them regarding specifics. If it is simply finding someone to commit, who can keep track of numbers, my wife could do this, as she is very organized. If this person is required to handle the fish, and all that weight, maybe someone besides her would be better suited.
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  • Last Activity: 07-25-2015 11:01 PM
  • Join Date: 01-25-2007

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