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Lunchmeat Lunchmeat is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. sniper61
    10-01-2012 09:31 AM
    Text sent.
  2. TJk
    06-24-2011 11:09 AM
    Sounds good bro I am out for this weekend but I don't have my kids next so I'll be looking to stab some fish
  3. Lunchmeat
    06-24-2011 10:00 AM
    Hey not much. Been doing a little bit of diving out of Ponce. Hit a wreck and some ledges about 18miles out. Been getting some flounder and triggers. Lots of snapper everywhere. Haven't snagged a big grouper yet. I'll pass on the snare for now and stick to grabbing them with the hands, has worked well so far. I'm itching to come down and dive again under some better conditions.
  4. Itchy Trigger
    06-24-2011 07:52 AM
    Itchy Trigger
    what's up bro? Hope things are doing well. If you want that lobster snare Ill let you have it for $40... Let me know...
  5. Summertime
    06-03-2011 11:12 AM
    Hey whats your sched looking like soon? Lets get out and dive! 386-451-7738
  6. Summertime
    05-15-2011 08:47 PM
    Daniel motha ****in Gibson!!
  7. TJk
    08-21-2010 04:41 PM
    Got your message but yeah it was too late I had fishermen in the boat as well otherwise I would of called you in the morning when I got your message. Next time I'll try to give you better notice next time
  8. TJk
    07-18-2010 08:28 AM
    I still got both of them. not sure if im going to sell them anymore. Had offers on both but i didnt sell them. I love them guns ive killed alot of fish with them. when you come out if you need a gun you can shoot one of them
  9. Lunchmeat
    07-12-2010 08:51 AM
    As long as I can see a few feet I'm good. I have about 60 dives in, only about 10 of those is deeper than 90. I have never hunted at those depths though.
  10. TJk
    07-11-2010 02:17 PM
    Ya man I'll get you out soon I'm out for this week probably but come next your in. what are your comfortable depths?

About Me

  • About Lunchmeat
    Fishing, Surfing, diving, hunting, living
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  • Last Activity: 07-12-2017 12:41 PM
  • Join Date: 06-21-2009


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