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tailsurfer tailsurfer is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
  1. Chainsaw
    04-20-2015 10:11 AM
    Keep it zipped.
  2. tailsurfer
    05-02-2014 11:22 PM
  3. apexdiver
    05-02-2014 12:23 AM
    Hey you still want the 60cm?
  4. tailsurfer
    11-07-2012 04:41 PM
  5. gamorm
    10-08-2012 03:50 PM
    Dude is this Josh from OCC? I think you were in my econ class like 2 years ago lol.
  6. TaxCollector
    05-16-2012 03:55 PM
    July 10-16 I have a camp spot @ Two Harbors. I have enough room for 10 people. The only caveat is:

    1. The Rangers might charge $5 each person (might not)
    2. Any hell raisers will be banished to the beach

    First come first served, just send me a PM as to when you or whoever want to reserve.
  7. TaxCollector
    05-16-2012 02:01 PM
    R u aware of my Catalina two harbors camping offer?
  8. Bob Ballew
    05-31-2011 05:14 PM
    Bob Ballew
    at what depth were you finding squid? dead or still swimming? any squid at other places besides Emerald? info gives me some idea of what the sea bass may be thinking.....Bob Ballew
  9. tailsurfer
    04-17-2011 04:51 PM
    in my avatar is a surf suit, but now I use a bodyglove 5mm.
  10. Alkilla
    04-17-2011 03:23 PM
    hey what kind of wetsuit do you have on in your avatar


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-07-2019 08:28 PM
  • Join Date: 09-24-2008


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