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Lemire Lemire is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. torin
    03-17-2012 01:31 AM
    hey howsit going? any chance ur related to paul lemire from pv? i went to h.s. in pv. btw how often do u dive pv? I'm always looking for ppl to dive with. I work 2-3 days/week as a dentist, but most of my friends are mon-fri 9-5 ers so they can only dive weekends. peace.
  2. Bear Down
    01-20-2012 11:21 PM
    Bear Down
    Its gonna rain so i changed my mind. I visit the oral surgeon tues so ill be out of the water for at least a week to heal up.
  3. Bear Down
    01-20-2012 12:55 AM
    Bear Down
    Goin to Laguna with a couple guys Sat if you want to go.
  4. Bear Down
    01-13-2012 12:25 PM
    Bear Down
    I got stuff going on tomorrow. Im probably going to be sidelined for a couple weeks. I go in for dental work next week.
  5. carrasco
    01-10-2012 07:11 AM
    I got your text about diving next Wednesday, but I can't go. I have CPR training at work and need to go in at 1:00PM. I doubt we would have enough time to dive unless it was somewhere local like the wall. I fixed my engine but I have to wait for the gasket to seal- at least a good few days. We can try for next week either Monday, Wednesday, Friday or the weekend. Don't give up on me just yet.
  6. carrasco
    01-02-2012 03:15 PM
    I wanted to dive today but did not think to check Spearboard. I wanted to give you my phone number so you can shoot me a quick text next time you want to go; 562-569-1750. Please let me know what conditions are like when you return from your dive. My friend Kevin and I went last week and did not find clear water until we reached the Terrranea resort area. We did not find bugs worth fussing with and the fish size was mediocre. I dove the little oil islands Saturday, from Seal Beach to Long Beach and found large lobsters on the crawl. Viz was harsh so I was spooking the bugs before getting my hands on them. I managed to get one bug at 3.5lbs.
  7. Bear Down
    01-01-2012 07:27 PM
    Bear Down
    Hey Billy, I'm goin to big bear for the day. How about Tuesday?
  8. spearedfishes
    12-18-2011 10:59 PM
  9. carrasco
    12-13-2011 05:56 PM
    Can't this Saturday. I am a long distance, part time dad and this is my weekend to speed-bond with my 17yr old daughter. I have to repair my 9.9 Johnson or else buy a new motor. I usually dive with a couple of spearboarders off of my boat but lately, without the engine working well, it sucks. I'll keep in touch as soon as the boat is in full vigor.
  10. Lemire
    12-12-2011 12:18 AM
    hello everyone! Im new to this site.... any of you guys from the Seal Beach area?

About Me

  • About Lemire
    Surfing/sea hunting
    Shaper/ CST
    Spearfishing Clubs
    PV Pod
    Home Port
    Palos Verdes


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-14-2015 02:15 PM
  • Join Date: 12-11-2011


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