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diveincanada diveincanada is offline

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  1. Charliex
    09-15-2016 08:18 PM
    There are locals that do spear from shore and the easily accessed depths and locations show signs -smaller fish etc. There are massive areas that are untouched by fishing! I definitely want to go back. It would be nice to go with someone that free dive / spear. It is unsettling being out in the deep alone!! If you are ever in Boston area let me know
  2. Charliex
    08-04-2016 06:08 PM
    How was the diving in San sal?
  3. slingshaft
    04-28-2013 09:15 PM
    Hey Man, summer is imminent!! I'm going to Quebec because one of my singing students has a job performing with Queen Extravaganza, Jennifer Espinoza is scheduled for her third 'gig' with Brian May and Roger Taylor's project band.
    So I am stoked that most of the shows are in Quebec, because
    I am determined to eat Walleye every day!
    However, I am on a budget so I want to camp near the St.
    Lawrence Seaway,
    Any chance that you know of campgrounds near Montreal?
    Cheers,Kerry Kraft.
  4. dive4bugz
    06-15-2011 03:21 PM
    Hey bud, good to hear from ya. Yes, summer is not bad at all for killing stuff! Keep in mind the water is quite warm so the big stuff is out deeper, but you will have little trouble finding something edible on almost every dive!! Let me know the dates and area you are planning on heading down... lets hook up. TTYS... Randy

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  • About diveincanada
    Diving, Spearfishing, Volleyball, Skiing
    Corporate Real Estate


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  • Last Activity: 01-06-2025 11:57 AM
  • Join Date: 08-02-2010


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