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flamencoguru flamencoguru is offline

FII Freediving Instructor

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. Ryon
    12-08-2013 09:12 PM
    Errol, thanks again for the awesome instruction in the FII class. I hope to jump in on a practice session in one of the upcoming classes. Some of the guys were talking about trying Troy Springs sometime, too. Had a blast man!
  2. Freedivebuddy
    11-20-2013 09:23 AM
    hey man.. I'm very new to this site.. Looking for freedive buddies.. I live in Orlando.
  3. Qdiver911
    01-30-2013 03:29 PM
    Errol, Ellie and I are meeting Rob Murphy for a beverage around dinner time Soon as I know where I will let you know. Like to meet you and any other spearo coming up for the Nationals in Rhode Island this year!!
  4. hammerhead786
    08-05-2012 02:32 PM
    I was a mixed martial arts fighter and instructor at Guy Mezgers Lions Den years back. My nose was a mess from that sport. I had a bad deviated septum. The surgery helped that blockage immensely. Almost a decade later i got a serious sinus infection from surfing in high fecal content. I ended up in the ER from it and I had to take Avelox (which nearly killed me) to get rid of it because the infection was resistant to other anti biotics. I continued to dive shorty afterward and I did permanent damage to my sinuses. Now I have regular issues with them. They come and go but are always there at some level. A specialist said I need another surgery and would have to stop diving to get back to "normal". I figure I will keep diving a few more years then maybe do it and then hang it up for good.
  5. Renejr83
    11-15-2011 11:23 PM
    The mask u wear on ur avatar...would u recommend it for spearfishing as well or just freediving? Thx.
  6. king triton
    09-02-2011 07:54 PM
    king triton
    errol, i hunted 75 feet last week...no prob..just wanted to thank you

  7. Jhento
    05-19-2011 09:45 AM
  8. J&JC
    04-10-2011 03:46 PM
    do you have two spots left my buddy and i really would like to do it he just has to get off work

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  • Last Activity: 06-08-2017 07:02 PM
  • Join Date: 10-26-2008


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