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xpuddlepirate xpuddlepirate is offline


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  1. jujitsu4me
    12-26-2013 12:00 PM
    Good morning sir, and merry christmas. I spoke with Spearriffe about the paint job you did on his speargun. Im really wanting to do something like that to my gun as well. Is there any chance you'd be interested in doing something like that with my gun but with more of a grey and black color scheme? I am more than willing to compensate for your time of course. If not I completely understand, maybe you could point me in the right direction or instruct me on how to do it myself? Thanks for your time, the gun is a Riffe euro 130.
  2. xpuddlepirate
    11-14-2012 03:50 PM
    Thanks SpearQ8. Don't know who manufactures the shaft as I got it from a local guy. Suppose to fit the popular Rail guns out there. What's the fix on the shaft?
  3. spearq8
    11-14-2012 12:23 PM
    Hi Wrasselin,

    No modification necessary, it should be able to handle both shafts and to be honest after you sent me this PM I double checked it again and can confirm it. If I remember correctly this was also confirmed to me by Josh from Neptonics. This is also true for the Reef trigger, and the only difference with the Euro trigger is that it is a little wider and allows you to have the mono tied all the way at the back end of the shaft ... something that you cannot do with the normal Reef trigger or the Reverse Trigger.

    What shaft are you having problems with? Some european shafts have a slightly different diameter semi circle that can cause problems but can be fixed very quickly with a small file.

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  • About xpuddlepirate
    Diving, spearfishing, fishing
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    1820 Robalo


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  • Last Activity: 03-12-2022 09:33 PM
  • Join Date: 06-30-2008


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