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Scottywotty Scottywotty is offline

Long Beach Neptune

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
  1. Fernando8884
    09-05-2018 09:35 PM
    Will do
  2. SoCalSpearo
    01-14-2014 01:32 AM
    Hi Scott, sorry for not responding sooner. I am selling a brand new/new used Riffe 7mm Digitec suit size 52 for 375 plus any needed shipping. I will probably post it next weekend, you are advance notice on this. I will have some other things too.
  3. Chainsaw
    10-21-2011 02:12 PM
    Bwa ha ha
  4. Chainsaw
    10-21-2011 11:10 AM
    I thought that might get your attention, ha ha.
    I got some of my gear ready this morning, I was at the hospital last night then had to come home and cook dinner for Sandi since she had a procedure done on her hand. So at 6 this morning I am in the garage doing my thing then my dad calls from the hospital and say's COME GET ME OUT OF HERE! And so the day begins. Sigh...
  5. Scottywotty
    08-08-2011 12:25 PM
    yeah, I made some adjustments, it looked good when I first did it! oh well. The original color was a bit drab and overexposed
  6. Mahtzo
    08-07-2011 10:56 PM
    Hey Scott,
    your avatar is awesome...who took that photo? He is really gifted! the color turned out kind of strange though.
  7. JGrant
    08-04-2011 11:38 PM
    wanna go to cat tomorrow?

    out of MDR

  8. Randy J.
    05-03-2011 12:02 PM
    Randy J.
    HA HA! It feels good to get the Monkey off my back, Ian and I both got our fish at Johnson Rock 32# each. Our first "HOT Spot" stop did'nt have any fish made the short run and anchored up had lunch, I jump in swim out matbe 30ft. from the Boat look down My Fish is in a School following a Big Cow I get a second to line up the shot on my small gun Bam! surface shoot fish ties up on the bottom at 25ft. No big deal, I go down to cut it out and that's when things go bad I've got lunch pressing on the back of my throat I go up to regroup and i'm tangled up in my shooting line 15ft. from the surface. Long story short Ian goes down grabs the loose fish (it's off the shaft!) I untangle my self Happy Ending!
  9. Scottywotty
    05-03-2011 11:28 AM
    Yeah! what took you soo long! that boat was designed for the islands! Let's hear more of the report. Congrats on your first WSB! Was it a biggie? Which GPS spot did you get it off of :-)
  10. Randy J.
    05-02-2011 11:17 PM
    Randy J.
    Hey Scott, I Finally took the boat to Catalina and I got My First WSB!!

About Me

  • About Scottywotty
    Fish killer
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Long Beach Neptunes
    Make/Model of Boat
    25' Parker
    Home Port
    My driveway
  • Signature
    Team IDGAF


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 11-05-2023 12:53 PM
  • Join Date: 02-19-2004


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