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Ron S Ron S is offline

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  1. rtclark5518
    03-04-2017 10:38 PM
    Hey Ron S... I'm Robert Clark, I've lived in Seaside for three years now... Ive been diving my whole life in Mendocino county... The first year down here I had a navy buddy I dove with at least 4-5 times a week... I've scouted almost every inch of coast from PG to Jade cove north of Big Surr... My navy buddy left after my first year down here, I've been diving alone ever since... I tried to find dive buddies, but had bad luck with very inexperienced divers... If your free we should get together for some diving... I've never dove SWC, but I do have a number of "go to spots"... Give me a holler if your interested in getting in the water, Robert Clark 707-367-2342
  2. Ron S
    05-07-2011 04:16 PM
    Ron S
    No, as a matter of fact, I lost the gun off my kayak before I ever got a chance to shoot anything with it! Sorry I can't be of more help.
  3. jfunes
    05-07-2011 04:03 PM
    Hey Ron, I saw on one of your old posts that you were trying to remove the handle on a Sporasub Instinct gun. Were you ever able to do so and if so how did you go about doing it? Thanks much!

  4. seahunter
    08-29-2010 11:46 AM
    Hi Ron,

    I will post something today. I still need to finish writing it.
  5. slingshaft
    12-23-2009 12:34 PM
    Hi, I just sent a P M I see that you are online
  6. Ron S
    07-14-2009 03:22 PM
    Ron S
    Well not that I can think of, other than Hot August Nights and the rib cook off in Reno. Of course as you know, Donner and Tahoe are at their warmest, and best for freediving for crawdads...
  7. LakeHunter
    07-14-2009 03:09 PM
    I think I'll be up in truckee in mid-august, anything fun occuring?

About Me

  • About Ron S
    Truckee, CA


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  • Last Activity: 05-20-2022 12:15 PM
  • Join Date: 11-21-2005


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