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B Lang B Lang is offline

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    06-15-2011 10:12 PM
    For some reason my PM isn't working??? I get but not able to send....Hmmmm? Anyways, Yea - Forgot the "numbers" at home but I checked it on google earth and triangulated it - and we were real close. Nice ledge and drops off fast with outlying boulders. There were some grouper at home but I missed. Shot all the fish at that spot except the hog. Coulda shot a ton of barely legal fish but let them go. More plant life in that area than right out in front of pepper. Saw some 7 plus pound bugs too! 3 or four big boys practically sunning themselves!

    Thanks again - Most productive near shore dive I've had in awhile!
  2. ArmorDave
    04-22-2010 04:26 PM
    Ben Bateman tells me you and Jobert are the ones to talk to on this lobster bag.

    He and Jerry Lancaster and some other commercial guy on the east coast did the testing and advising on it for me and they obviously like it.

    I am getting interest from the east coast but don't have any active dealers north of WPB.

    If your dive shop is interested in being a dealer of Armor bags I'd be happy to send them one to look at. They can send it back if they don't want to sell them.

    Jerry has been using the larger (Commercial) bag. The Pro size is 29" long and I will probably make a 24-26" and narrower bag, with a 7-8" neck and call it the "sportsman".

    Anyway let me know what you think. I've sent a PM to Jobert also.

  3. plng
    01-27-2010 06:55 PM
    hey everyone going to see whats up tommorrow
  4. GatorNative
    07-06-2009 06:39 PM
    Hey, I'm back.

    Are you guys going diving sometime soon??
  5. plng
    04-21-2009 02:21 PM
    hey brandon when are we going diving
  6. B Lang
    02-25-2009 08:05 AM
    B Lang
    Who Vince?
  7. scubajobert
    02-24-2009 09:59 PM
    my little bitch............................................. .........................................

About Me

  • About B Lang
    Fort Pierce
    I'm on a spearfishing forum, what do you think they are
    HVAC Sheetmetal sales, kill fish on the side
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Dive Odyssea Spearfishing Team
    Make/Model of Boat
    31' Contender
    Home Port
    The Fort


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  • Last Activity: 07-07-2023 06:58 AM
  • Join Date: 09-11-2005


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