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Myrran Myrran is offline

Myrran McKeen

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 23
  1. polespearonly
    06-12-2013 03:10 PM
    Hello sir! How are u doin? It's Greg btw. Our buddy just got a small Boston whaler and we gonna make a 3 day trip. We are leaving tommorow. We are nut sure yet if we gonna hit Catalina or Channel Islands, still trying to find good info on the fish. Wsb and yt is the name of the game. It would be nice to meet on the water if u already planned a trip. If not well defenetly send u some pics. Hope u doin good and did u kill any wsb this year? -greg
  2. "Yard-Sale Josh"
    06-22-2012 11:47 PM
    "Yard-Sale Josh"
    Rig with cable and shoot em in the guts, you will be fighting the fish all damn day if you go for the stone shot in the shoulder and miss the backbone. Yeah that fish totall kicked my ass hahaha
  3. Jenifer Lee
    02-16-2012 01:45 PM
    Jenifer Lee
    hey, I just saw the forecast you posted regarding conditions for the crossing. I was just curious where you got it from? I use NOA, etc, but want to have as many as possible.

    Thanks, David
  4. ssscotty
    09-18-2011 04:55 AM
    What's up buddy? Have'nt talked in a while. I hope all is well with you, your wife and baby! Pretty amazing stuff, huh? Being a father and taking care of a newborn. Your child! Can be pretty overwhelming at times, I know. It's all worth it though. Take care brother and hopefully talk to you soon!
  5. ssscotty
    09-11-2011 02:52 AM
    I'm all set and ready to dive buddy. I have Bryans shitty JBL but The Plumber is making me a gun as we speak. I want to get in the water so bad. Hope you're having better luck than I am. Hope all is well with you, your wife and your baby. I know where you're at with the baby. Amazing and mind blowing huh? PM or call me (626-321-6469) when you get a chance. Take care brother!!!
  6. ssscotty
    08-28-2011 05:57 AM
    Still having trouble figuring this shit out so I apologize if this is the second time I have PM'd you about the same thing. Bryan (the Plumber) gave me an old JBL. He said when I got better he'd make me a gun. He makes really nice guns. You should see the gun he made for Ethan. It's a ****ing cannon! You should befriend Bryan (the Plumber) on SB. He knows you through me and I'm sure he'd accept and give you pointers on your build if you wanted them. No, I've never been bug hunting but can't wait for the season to start! I'd like to get in the water Labor Day weekend but not have to drive to SD to do so but will if I have to. After that, I'm screwed. I'm coaching my 8 yr old daughter's soccer team on Tue and Thur with games on Sat. leaving me only Sunday to dive. No big deal. Call, text or PM me. Take care brother!
  7. ssscotty
    08-27-2011 03:17 AM
    Got a gun now and can and will get fishing license whenever needed. Busy this weekend but hit me up anytime you go. Need to hook up with more people up here rather than driving to SD all the time. Love diving with the plumber (my brother) but too expensive and taxing. Gas and food and exhaustion, lol! Text or call me. My phone (cell) was destroyed and I lost your number with it. Call me and leave a message so I can get your number again. Take care brother!!
  8. ssscotty
    08-14-2011 06:16 AM
    Have'nt been out in a while unfortunately. Looking to get or buy a used gun from the Plumber. Our schedules have'nt meshed lately and have'nt been able to get down to see him, I'd like to get down there soon though. I'll talk to you soon. Maybe we can get out there one of these days. Take care brother.
  9. ssscotty
    06-03-2011 02:13 AM
    Don't know if you got my PM but if not, I'm kinda on the fence. I don't have a gun, pole, camera...shit, I don't even have a fishing license. I really would love to go to Catalina just to dive. But if you have someone else in mind who wants to fish...that's cool. If not, I'd still be up for it. Either way brother, have a great time and be safe. Just shoot me a PM and let me know how it went.
  10. ssscotty
    06-02-2011 01:42 AM
    I'm glad you guys had a great time. I wanted to come down but figured it might not be a good Idea to be driving home after a few beers on Memorial Day weekend, too much to lose. Yeah, I'm still up for diving Saturday. I'm not doing any spearfishing yet though, just diving. I'm just working on technique and getting myself acclimated. I'll double check with my wife to make sure we don't have anything going on this weekend. I'll let you know for sure tomorrow (Thursday).

About Me

  • About Myrran
    I like spearfishing, shooting guns, being on the water at sunrise, a good breath hold, a good beer, some good herb, a good story, paychecks, vacations, a good Ribeye, hanging with my bro's and the USMC. Cheers.
    I'm on a boat!
    I like it all. Bring it on.
    Quality Guy @ Cement Manufacturing Co.
    Make/Model of Boat
    19.5ft 1996 Bayliner Capri 1956
    Home Port
    Orange County Ca.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 05-26-2022 03:23 PM
  • Join Date: 08-30-2010


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