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RogueSpear RogueSpear is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Tim Hatler
    06-25-2011 07:16 AM
    Tim Hatler
    Hey Mike / July is a magic month down here / august is good as is October and early November as well//we also have a bitchin trip to Thetis Banks on the pacific side Nov 14/21
    hope to see you down here
  2. RogueSpear
    08-26-2009 10:58 PM
    Wow thanks alot! Much appreciated! Once I figure everything out on my end as far as departure and the hostel situation on Oahu Ill deffinately hit you up! Hows the nightlife there in Oahu? I dont have much planned for the night time! Is Oahu a touristy area?
  3. OahuFreediver
    08-26-2009 02:01 PM
    Aloha! Do you know what island or islands your going to yet? If your on oahu il be back from Iraq by then, and I wont mind helping out, and hitting the water with you. I have to ship all my gear from my dads house in NH out to hawaii so I hope that all makes in time. If not il just cruise around and just be ur dive buddy. I never go alone you never know what can happen. Ive been in some pretty intense rip tide out in hawaii. I usually swim to the bottom and just pull myself in haha less energy used then trying to fight the current. Well anyway there a store called Hana Paa on oahu its an amazing spearfishing store tons of brands and quality gear. They have a website you should check it out. The website doesnt even have everything covered in the store. Well I hope to hear from you soon. My number is 603 438 9139 i should be back in hawaii around the 5th.

    Mahalo, Ryan

About Me

  • About RogueSpear
    Huntington Beach, CA
    Everything outside!
    Oil Industry


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  • Last Activity: 07-06-2016 10:05 PM
  • Join Date: 08-11-2009

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