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butch butch is offline

Pool Builder SD & OC

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
  1. Sierraspero
    08-25-2011 03:42 PM
  2. deuce
    08-22-2011 02:36 PM
    What were you thinking?
  3. yellowtailslyer
    05-08-2011 08:59 PM
    thats what it was. thaanks, hahaha
  4. yellowtailslyer
    05-08-2011 02:46 AM
    hey what did u guys call our seashepard friend today?
  5. Bwano
    03-08-2011 04:05 PM
    any chance to go on Peace trip, and leave my dog at your place?
    Do you have any friends without rotts?
    I can't afford boarding at $50 per day.
  6. MOTO 619
    05-13-2010 09:25 AM
    MOTO 619
    Thanks again for the help yesterday good buddy, same goes for our tow-in guy! haha, that was rad. I owe ya both one!
  7. SoCal-Import
    05-02-2010 01:35 AM
    You see, although most shark attacks on humans, that are involving a broadnose sevengill shark happen in captivity, it still has a past into the wild as well. In fact, ISAF statistics recorded between 1580 and 2006, show that the broadnose sevengill shark is was responsible of 9 shark attacks, 5 unprovoked attacks, 3 provoked attacks and 1 shark attack on a boat.
  8. SoCal-Import
    05-02-2010 01:33 AM
    Danger to Humans

    The sevengill shark is aggressive when provoked and is considered potentially dangerous to humans. According to the International Shark Attack File, the sevengill shark has been responsible for five documented unprovoked attacks on humans since the 16th century. This species has attacked divers in captivity when kept in aquaria.

    When caught by fishers, this shark thrashes and snaps and is often subdued with firearms before being landed to avoid human injury.
  9. SoCal-Import
    05-02-2010 01:28 AM
    Until u have a stringer full of fish on your waste
  10. SoCal-Import
    05-02-2010 01:27 AM
    Some sharks, in particular the bottom feeders, including Woobygong, Carpet and Port Jackson sharks, have their Ampullae of Lorenzini located under their snouts and as such have a diminished response to the Shark Shield wave form. A small number of sharks such as the Seven Gill shark have a diminished Ampullae so are less affected. The sharks that fall into these categories are in general, not considered dangerous to humans.
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    Spear, KB, BJJ
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    Gen 1:26

    Then God said,"Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea

    Email rather than PM plz...



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  • Last Activity: 11-30-2015 11:56 AM
  • Join Date: 09-14-2008


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