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The Jewish Assassin The Jewish Assassin is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
  1. Surfninja85
    05-01-2018 03:55 PM
    Hi, I wanted to see if your gear is still for sale and if you have a price in mind for everything?
  2. YakAtak
    08-07-2014 12:04 AM
    Sorry haven't logged on in a while!
  3. The Jewish Assassin
    11-30-2011 03:13 PM
    The Jewish Assassin
    Forsure, let's get in the water sometime! Nice bug, did you pick it up the same time John caught his monster? I have an acceptance in Miami (they have water there!). Though, I'm currently waiting on 6 other schools post interview, so we'll see where I end up.
  4. KelpChaka
    11-29-2011 01:40 AM

    How are the medical school interviews going? You pick one yet? Hopefully all is well. We need to go dive soon. I've been slammed with work. Hopefully it will ease up soon.

  5. malibujohn
    09-24-2011 10:44 PM
    sent a p.m.
  6. malibujohn
    09-24-2011 10:44 PM
    sent a p.m
  7. t-bone1
    08-26-2011 06:28 PM
    A friend and I are heading down into Baja and would you be kind enough to guide us to the panga owner who you used?
  8. The Jewish Assassin
    08-16-2011 07:08 AM
    The Jewish Assassin
    Those pictures being spread already? I ended up spending my money of Baja instead :P. Definitely worth it. Let's do some diving.
  9. Blue Man
    08-15-2011 11:08 PM
    Blue Man
    How's it going? I saw the pics from your Mexico trip. Those are incredible fish. Nice job!

    Weren't you looking for a boat earlier in this price range?

  10. malibujohn
    07-19-2011 07:33 AM
    whats your schedule like this week? I have alot of work but plan to dive around 5-6 nightly.

About Me

  • About The Jewish Assassin
    La Jolla / SD
    Rock Climbing, Paintballing, Spearfishing


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 07-30-2023 09:57 AM
  • Join Date: 09-10-2008


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 11

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