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Nerka Nerka is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. unkabonka
    05-04-2013 04:55 PM
    Yeah I know that sucks, I was going to PM you but seems like you are "on the list" apparently. Well an unkabonka is a non-sense word it does't mean anything, sorry. I made it up when I was a kid. So what about sockeye? Are you going to tell me a story about them or just be defensive? I am curious because I am feeding and trapping sockeye smolts as a part of my job. Just trying to have a conversation.
  2. unkabonka
    04-17-2013 07:04 PM
    So.... tell me about O. Nerka: Sockeye, Kokanee... curious about why that is your handle. there are no Nerka south of Oregon
  3. Knoah15
    02-03-2013 04:33 PM
    My privileges were revoked as well.
  4. Smudge
    01-25-2013 11:21 AM

    I was talking with Daryl last night and he said that he didn't know you but asked me to PM you thanking you for your kind comments about him. He really appreciates the support!

  5. spearkid1203
    08-02-2012 12:51 PM
    and what kinda fish are there?
  6. spearkid1203
    08-02-2012 12:43 PM
    what spots should i go to in north county?
  7. mini me
    02-28-2012 11:44 PM
    mini me
    nerka that cal b used to be mine on Catalina pm me with any questions
  8. Roger23043
    06-19-2011 01:04 AM
    what kind of distance do you get with the 3 24" 9/16th bands and the original shaft for your jbl with original shaft? Have you experimented with 4? I recently acquired a rear handed rife teak gun that shoots a 55" shaft and I can set it up with up to 4 24" 9/16th bands.

About Me

  • About Nerka
    with the fish


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 04-11-2015 01:07 AM
  • Join Date: 05-15-2008


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