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OahuFreediver OahuFreediver is offline

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  1. Du7chOv3n
    08-26-2009 03:32 AM
    Damn right dude I look forward to your return man it is beautiful here Im stayin with a friend in north shore and am blessed enough to have the ocean in our back yard leftovers and aligator rock is right behind us so **** yea have a safe trip back homie and call your boy mike 314 458 1624 I will dive all day every day one love
  2. Spearo_Fla
    08-13-2009 03:00 PM
    Sorry Air Force, but it's ok. I retired in 1999. My dad was A.F., Rick was Navy, my daughter was Navy. I know your joansing for some spearfishing pics. so visit my club website, www.exetremedivers.homestead.com. Until you come home stay safe.
  3. Smudge
    08-08-2009 07:41 PM
    Haven't gotten in the water once! Can you believe that?? So bummed. Anyway, we pull in August 24th, but I'm going right on leave to visit the family in Florida and California so I won't actually be back on the Island until Sept 9th. I'll look you up then...
    07-31-2009 10:04 PM
    Wish you were here man. Making a killing this summer. Hey, did you see the new M-ATV's up for deployment?
  5. greekspearo
    06-29-2009 12:49 PM
    sweet man. i hope u dont mind but i tried your blue water float out yesterday on some big 10+ pound blue fish. those fish fight like crazy when you spear them. the float is sick. i evan sat on it and took a break for a while. i think your gunna love it. sweet about your dad. i get out of work at 5 everyday. ill actually be going to nashua tonight to drop off my buddys truck. if you want to give me a email at jamesbourlos@yahoo.com maybe i can swing by while im in the area.
    good luck with your new gun. im sure youre gunna kill alot of fish whith that thing!!
    peace bro;
  6. Chainsaw
    06-28-2009 06:43 PM
    Thanks for that, I will certainly give it my best shot.
    Bound to be something to chase.
    Hopefully a big ulua.
  7. Chainsaw
    06-26-2009 10:29 AM
    Aloha, my name is Danny Jones II and I am the President of the Long Beach Neptunes. I know you are friends with Nate & Chris in my club.
    I am staying at Princeville in Kauai July 14-28 and wondered if you had any idea who to dive with or where to dive.
    Also what guns to take and wetsuit plus what can I expect to shoot and what to watch out for.
    Any help is appreciated.
    06-03-2009 12:10 PM
    What have you been up too? Making to NE anytime soon? Stripes are thick right now
  9. Blesum
    05-24-2009 12:31 PM
    Sounds good, one can't have too many back-up dive partners when the regular ones are stuck with work or something. Drop me a line when you get back on Oahu!

  10. JMurphy
    05-21-2009 09:52 AM
    The weather's finally getting real nice here, and I'll sure be going in the water as often as I can!

About Me

  • About OahuFreediver
    My name is Ryan im a SSG in the US Army currently recruiting out of Louisville. Experienced Freedive called Hawaii my home for 7 years, and Florida for 4 years..
    Louisville, KY/Clearwater, FL/ Heart is in Hawaii
    Pokin fish =) Hunting, Fishing, paintball, tattoos
    US ARMY RECRUITER Louisville
    Spearfishing Clubs
  • Signature
    ...Theres Blood In The Water...


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  • Last Activity: 12-27-2022 06:15 AM
  • Join Date: 05-22-2008


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