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Jared44 Jared44 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. surfer349
    07-22-2013 11:18 AM

    Saw your post about the shells. I'm in phoenix. I am more than happy to pay for shipping.
  2. NavyDiver82
    01-09-2013 05:58 PM
    Are you in the Navy? I'm currently in SD, but will be back on Oahu at the end of March if you're up for getting together and diving some time?
  3. Tony S.
    11-05-2012 03:28 PM
    Tony S.
    congrats on the boat purchase, let me know if you need a dive partner, I do reef and also alot of blue water dives, dive with HH alot and know some good spots on oahu and molokai
  4. ca.harvester
    04-23-2012 06:06 PM
    second dibs on the 38 special
  5. haliseeker
    12-13-2011 04:31 PM
    I might be working . But it's for this customer who is really flakey so chances I will ...weather permitting
  6. haliseeker
    12-13-2011 01:40 PM
    I can't get out till friday( i don't dive right after rain ) so fridays a go with me and we can meet in that area and see if it's worth while and if not we can go somewhere else
  7. haliseeker
    12-13-2011 01:12 PM
    hey bro ,looks like i can dive friday night if you want to give her another go
  8. ca.harvester
    12-11-2011 02:30 PM
    Give me a call im good for tonite....1 714 397 8423
  9. ca.harvester
    10-15-2011 07:50 PM
    how many did u end up with?
  10. ca.harvester
    10-15-2011 04:43 PM
    How was hospital last night di you get anything? other than a lost light?

About Me

  • About Jared44
    I grew up Abalone diving and spearfishing in Northern California. Mostly out of Noyo Harbor Fort Bragg, and Shelter Cove. I moved down to San Diego when I joined the Navy and have been here ever since.
    Diving for Lobsters, spearfishing in the off season, hunting, Ocean swims.
    U.S. Navy
    Spearfishing Clubs
    San Diego Freedivers Association
    Make/Model of Boat
    I wish.... anything that can stay afloat longer than me.
    Home Port
    Shelter Cove, Noyo Harbor, Mission Bay, San Diego bay, Pearl Harbor in that order.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 02-01-2015 09:54 PM
  • Join Date: 06-29-2011


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