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ralphthehalibut ralphthehalibut is offline

avvie chute>calico curls

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21
  1. Namor
    06-20-2013 02:30 AM
    n particular I think his pulling his posts if they arent received with enough fanfare is annoying as hell. the point is we all have our flaws and no one deserves to be judged by his worst act, but rather on the balance of their actions over time.

    Im still irritated as hell that you publicly characterized me as a crypto pro MLPA activist during that whole thing. I Dont like it, never received an apology, and found it highly insulting at the time; but I suck it up and thats that.

    Anyways I understand your point, but in this case feel that Sam deserves to be given this moment of attention.

    Sorry about posting this in plain sight, I cant seem to PM you

  2. Namor
    06-20-2013 02:28 AM
    Hi Dave
    Look in regards to Sam m. I understand (I think I have this right) you have a beef with him about him not including your family in his history of Ca diving culture. I dont know about other aspects of him not being a good guy that you refer to.

    My take is that historians allways bring their perspective and axes to grind to their work. if your family is left out, or your region then another historian can tell their story and as part of it cover the exclusion and its reasons. If you or another write it I will buy it and read it. No one persons perspective is complete or accurate at the end of the day; all historians works reflect their biases.

    please note that I included in my comment that I felt you had a "valid axe to grind". I dont mean to laud him and hold him up as a flawless guy; I do think he deserves the recognition he gets for his life's work.

  3. Chainsaw
    11-30-2012 01:08 PM
    Not really Dave I always like more guns, looking for mid range something just cuz. But I need a kelp clip for my yak, another kelp carrot and who knows what. I just don't want to drive for an hour or two for some dissapointing garage sale kind of stuff you know.
    By the way you have been pulling some nice bugs dude. Where do you dive now that your Laguna back yard is closesd?
  4. Kirby
    11-23-2011 10:00 PM
    PM'd you my phone number!
    10-28-2011 09:50 PM
    Love the new avatar , its moments like that, that make life worth living ,,, joe
  6. yellowtailslyer
    10-11-2011 10:58 PM
    hey dave tried calling you about the suit. when can we meet up?
  7. captain planet
    09-02-2011 04:20 PM
    captain planet
    Still can't pm. What model is it?
  8. ca.harvester
    05-01-2011 01:48 PM
    pm sent
  9. polarbear
    03-03-2011 02:24 PM
    I heard rummor you know about JBL products. I saw a 30L float (bike pump inflator valve) at the speaker meeting last weekend, but can not find on line. Can you shine a light on where one can be found and the max PSI?


    bill corn, Murrieta, ca

    aka polarbear -got your name from Butch - the guy that kills all the sheep head, even when there are wsb around.

About Me

  • About ralphthehalibut
    SD, or thereabouts
    spearfishing (duh) surfing, water stuff
    what i finds, i keeps
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Los Pistoleros
    Make/Model of Boat
    kidney destroyer 3000
    Home Port
    Any in a storm.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-25-2015 06:50 PM
  • Join Date: 10-29-2006


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