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spitfire spitfire is offline

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  1. spitfire
    11-10-2014 09:05 AM
    thanks I actually went on my buddies boat Saturday and shot my first hogfish I just need to buy my own gun now my dad has his own business which makes money as do I he will be doing a lot of line fishing on the boat too the boat is paid for and the motors have warranty he loves fishing and like you said it covers gas money maintenance on the boat etc I would just like to know about the power heads and any good areas to go we are gonna try amberjack when they come back in season I really appreciate your feedback and would like to learn more seems like some guys on here don't like the commercial side of it lol
  2. Baccala
    11-07-2014 02:31 PM
    Well welcome to the spearfishing world. First thing I can tell you is that before you just go out and start shooting fish become very proficient with just diving, adding hunting to that definitely changes the game down there and you can hurt or even die very easily. Now on to commercial fishing and spearing, if you are looking to make money at good luck it is very hard to do. The only reason we have our permits is for the fun of it, I actually own my own business that makes money and the commercial spearing pays for our fun on the boat, it's nice not paying for gas, tank fills, food and every now and then we get to buy a toy or two for the boat. But you can watch all that disappear the minute a lower unit blows up or even worse yet you blow an engine. You will be deeper in the hole in a matter of minutes. Any other questions just let me know, it may take a few days for me to get back to you as I do not really frequent the WWW much. Good Luck Mike


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  • Last Activity: 01-12-2015 02:16 PM
  • Join Date: 10-10-2014


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