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Newbspearfisher Newbspearfisher is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. straight shaft
    06-13-2021 12:51 PM
    straight shaft
    Hey Mark! Still in Mass? let's hook up and go spearing.
  2. straight shaft
    01-26-2018 12:02 PM
    straight shaft
    Hey Mark! Long time old friend. Hope your doing well. Still in Tewsbury? If so, let's plan on a Kill n Grill for this upcoming season.

    p.s. I moved to Lynn
  3. straight shaft
    04-25-2016 07:49 PM
    straight shaft
    Yo Mark! You still in Lowell? Let's hook up soon for monster Togs at your spot.

  4. roosterman9
    07-01-2014 08:26 AM
    Yes it was bud. 20lbs. Awesome day. Lobster dive tomorrow?
  5. Kaden.luna
    08-05-2013 02:52 PM
    Hello im new to spearfishing looking a buddy to go spear fishing in ri im from ct let me know if anyone is interested tanks
  6. Newbspearfisher
    07-18-2013 08:19 AM
    I can possibly go on Sunday, just have to make sure someone is home for the cable guy when he shows up between 3 and 5. I will check with my roomate tonight
  7. straight shaft
    07-15-2013 04:20 PM
    straight shaft
    Mark! What've you been up to? Want to do go spearing this coming Saturday in Rhode Island? (Jamestown)

About Me

  • About Newbspearfisher
    I've taken up a lot of hobbies and activities over the years, none as addictive as spear fishing
    Lowell, not close enough to the coast Ma
    homebrewing, kayaking, cycling, rowing, hiking, camping, computer gaming,
    financial analyst
    Spearfishing Clubs
    looking to join mass free divers


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-16-2021 12:16 PM
  • Join Date: 07-18-2012


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