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phillip rowe phillip rowe is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. phillip rowe
    04-03-2013 06:07 PM
    phillip rowe
    sweet did u get any hog fish
  2. TriggerNJ
    04-01-2013 09:27 PM
    Yeah, a trip to the Bahamas to dive. Amazing place but we had unfavorable wind most of the trip. Still managed to get some fish and good diving though.
  3. TriggerNJ
    04-01-2013 11:33 AM
    Just got back from a trip so I'm in no rush to jump in this year hahaha Tog won't really get worth it until later in April when there's more of them inshore. The first week or more in April is very slim pickings. If vis gets really good I'll jump in soon but if not I'll be waiting until the last week of April or so.
  4. Wilbur1082
    07-22-2012 05:03 PM
    Lick my dick u fag **** I would like to see u shoot fish like I have been
  5. Wilbur1082
    07-22-2012 05:02 PM
    Lick my dick u fag **** I would like to see u shoot fish like I have been
  6. phillip rowe
    11-16-2011 12:17 AM
    phillip rowe
    that sounds good i am leaving to go bear hunting this weekend on sunday but how did you like the wet suit did it keep you warm.
  7. Hungry for Fish
    11-15-2011 09:30 PM
    Hungry for Fish
    yo man im still in nj! i leave the 28th so we have to go spearing soon. i went r&r saturday caught 2 small stripers but nothing else good. jumped into the water after but the water was insanely dirty. give me a call sometime and hopefully we could go this weekend. theres supposedly mad striper in the inlet!
  8. Hungry for Fish
    08-22-2011 06:11 PM
    Hungry for Fish
    Hey I think i met you or your brother ( you mentioned having a twin) im not sure which i am talking to. you showed me around Shark river inlet and i was wondering if you wouldnt mind doing the same kinda thing again. Im still not used to the whole thing yet and not quite sure what to look for. Im planning on going tomorrow, Tuesday the 23, after work. Is that even a good time to go?
    08-04-2011 08:39 AM
    Tell me about the September Ft. Pierce tourney? I haven't heard anything.
  10. TriggerNJ
    08-03-2011 08:54 PM
    Yeah, today.... Very bad vis everywhere except for in 30-40ft.

About Me

  • About phillip rowe
    New Jersey
    Hunting and Fishing
    truck driver
    C:\Documents and Settings\Jill\My Documents\My Pictures\spearfish.JPG


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  • Last Activity: 06-13-2018 05:55 PM
  • Join Date: 05-27-2011


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