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OceanEd OceanEd is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. CorySweatt
    05-04-2011 06:49 PM
    Hey Ed, I was just browsing the forum and saw you say that you offer a spearfishing class in Jupiter. Is that something that you still do? And if so, what all is taught in this class...how much..etc?
  2. pepper death
    01-20-2010 10:28 PM
    pepper death
    hey ed just want to know where to go for the seminar tomorrow .

    thanks capt shawn
  3. Baldy
    09-13-2009 07:58 AM
    Sorry - I missed it in the first post - now I see it's ScubaWorks.
  4. Baldy
    09-13-2009 07:55 AM
    I'm interested in the Advanced course. What dive shop runs it?
  5. olesencg
    09-10-2009 04:07 PM
    hey oceaned,
    When we diving???
  6. TailStalker
    09-02-2009 07:02 PM
    Can you give me the time and place on where to meet next week? I spoke to Wolf and he's got me in and I'm looking forward to the trip...
  7. RayP SPearo
    06-24-2009 11:55 AM
    RayP SPearo
    hey thanks for the help! greatly appreciated
  8. scubajobert
    06-11-2009 08:08 PM
    are you up for sunday. for a little pole spear action.
  9. GivmeGills
    04-21-2009 06:56 PM
    Keysdiver, OceanEd has some crazy BW polespears, I got the chance to see them first hand and they are SERIOUS!!
  10. keysdiver0106
    04-09-2009 11:26 PM
    hey oceanEd,
    I know you are an avid pole spearo and wanted to get some advise on your typical length/weight on a pole spear for blue water stuff. For the longer shots at least. Thanks and hope to hear from you.
    -James Simcic

    P.S. I'm going to want to shoot good size mahi and also wanted to know if wahoo were even a possibility...from your experience?

About Me

  • About OceanEd
    Melbourne, Fl.
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Melbourne Hunt Club
    Make/Model of Boat
    42 ft. cruising catamaran
    Home Port
    Melbourne, Fl.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 04-11-2014 05:45 AM
  • Join Date: 03-22-2005


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