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Sandeeling Sandeeling is offline

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  1. SharkDog1
    05-24-2013 11:26 AM
    Hey man,

    Love the youtube channel. I live in the city but am frequently out on LI through the summer and fall. I used to spear in the Caribbean (slings and polespears) and am getting into spearing out here. I saw the pretty awesome videos you had of spearing out on Easthampton and a bunch in montauk. Any recommendations for a new spearo to go from shore out east would be greatly appreciated! Keep up the great work

  2. jay12dee
    08-12-2012 10:12 PM
    Hi Sandeeling! I am the person that actually sent you a message on your youtube page... I found your vid before stumbling upon your post here that contains the same vid i found online. Same situation as coenbrian below.. Hoping for some general direction for the area. I'm going to be in east hampton for the weekend with a friend that'd love to learn a bit about spearfishing. I've just moved to NYC from La Jolla, CA. Plenty of years of spearfishing under my belt. Any suggestions on gear out here as well? Thanks a ton. jdmorgan12@gmail.com
  3. Sandeeling
    05-23-2011 11:43 AM
    Coenbrian I'll send you an email, I'm sure we could set something up or I'll point you in the right direction for a LI dive.
  4. coenbrian
    04-22-2011 11:05 AM
    It seems like you know whats going on up there w/ the spearing. I was wondering if you had any interest in showing a couple jersey guys the ropes for spearing Long Island or block. My buddy is getting married this summer and rather than blow money on a cheap slut, i'd rather take him diving. we are both accomplished watermen but have only been diving for a few years now. i'm a school teacher and we get out mid june so anytime after that would work for us. hit me up at coenbrian@hotmail.com or find me on face book 'Brian Coen' as I rarely remember to check spearboard. thanks man...cheers!
  5. Qdiver911
    04-16-2011 05:47 AM
    Tommy, Sophies grotto downtown roslindale ! Tiny place but great food and company !! Cheers, Teddy O
  6. montauk diver
    05-19-2010 05:29 AM
    montauk diver
    hey Tom. I looked up the go-pro cam. I didnt realize that was a hero! Which one did you get, the "naked" with the head strap?
  7. aRea
    04-27-2010 09:59 PM
    Is the underwater camera still for sale?
    09-23-2009 08:18 AM
    Hey Dood,

    FYI was in your aread around Mt Sanai inlet this past weekend and vis was 10-15 ft. Best I have ever seen. Beach on west side of inlet is great.

About Me

  • About Sandeeling
    Stony Brook NY
    Fishing, Snowboarding, Wakeboarding
    Environmental Engineer
    Make/Model of Boat
    18 Parker CC
    Home Port
    Port Jeff
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  • Last Activity: 11-24-2014 10:26 PM
  • Join Date: 10-16-2008


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