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D. Hochman D. Hochman is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. D. Hochman
    06-13-2011 08:19 PM
    D. Hochman

    Hope you like the suite. I have been very happy with the mares line. I will likely do another seminar at orbit again. Usually around Late July. I will give you a heads up when i have one scheduled.


  2. Boss1
    06-13-2011 05:16 PM

    We have never actully met in person but my name is Chris and I live in Fairfield CT. I first heard about you because you did a seminar at the local dive shop (Orbitz) I think at the time you were promoting Mares wetsuits which is what I ended up buying. I saw that you do seminars I was wondering if you have anymore coming up and where.
  3. D. Hochman
    08-11-2010 09:14 AM
    D. Hochman
    Hey John,
    Glad you are coming to the lecture, I have always had good feedback from this lecture. I think you wll enjoy it and learn from it. Atleast some stuff
    see you there,
  4. Crusty Old Dive
    08-10-2010 01:05 PM
    Crusty Old Dive

    Looking forward to the workshop next week... been diving since 1987 but never took a spearfishing or freediving seminar. Stubborn. Hoping to learn some better, safer and more effective techiques.

  5. D. Hochman
    07-19-2010 02:08 PM
    D. Hochman
    sorry, just saw this message. Call me if you need help or info.
    C 203 257 4976
    O 203 268 2882
  6. Kevin Sheets
    03-22-2010 02:35 PM
    Kevin Sheets
    How are you? Hey I think I need a chiropractor but I am really skeptical about the whole "moving bones" thing. Frankly they scare the shit out of me! But, I have a neck problem that won't go away. If you have some time, I'd like your input.
    Where is your practice?
    Kevin Sheets

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  • Last Activity: 08-02-2015 07:03 PM
  • Join Date: 08-05-2004


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