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Louis Rossignol Louis Rossignol is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 27
  1. DagFish
    12-11-2013 07:14 PM
    Rok, I was wondering if you knew of a way that I could offer my freedive courses to council members at a discounted rate? I would be willing to get you certified for free. PS-My toe nail is 3/4 grown back. Hope all is well.
  2. scubajeeper
    06-27-2012 01:15 PM
    I ordered the woody mag Monday, I figured there must be guys my size using them. I plan on getting in the water and practicing with it before I go. I'll let you know how the trip went If conditions allow us to go.
    Thanks for all of your help. Mike
  3. scubajeeper
    06-24-2012 09:59 PM
    One more question and I'll stop bugging you. I'm 5 foot 7, do you think the woody mag is going to be too long for me to load? Should I consider the sawed off, or is that not enough gun for the rigs? Thanks, Mike
  4. scubajeeper
    06-23-2012 09:05 PM
    Hate to keep bugging you, but I am assuming you shoot the woody and not the Elite.
  5. scubajeeper
    06-23-2012 04:23 PM
    Louis, I'm new to the board, and will be making my first spearfishing trip to the rigs next month, I've been on one rig dive while on a Flower Garden trip so I have a taste of what it will be like. I've been trying to educate myself by reading on the forum and I must thank you for posting " 100 ways" you probally saved another life here, thanks.
    The reason I'm contacting you is I need to buy a gun and I wanted some advice from someone who knows and I didn't want to hear from all the idiots on the board. should I get the gulf magnum or get the woody magnum and put a gulf slip tip on it? I know the pipe gun would be easier to repair if it got bent but I was wondering if the new trigger on the woody would be better or is the one on the XHD ok? Any advice would be appreciated. I think for the money the JBL is the way to go.

    Thanks, Mike P.S. I live in Pineville and will be going out with Divers Destination out of Lafayette.
  6. Banjo
    07-27-2011 11:35 PM
    Hey rok. Thanks for hooking me up with gettin tanked. Cody is a cool ass dude. We met up and drank acouple. Come to find out we know some mutual friends. Anyway i appreciatte it.

  7. zeN
    07-20-2010 07:03 PM
    C'mon man,
    Your screwin' with me-you shot this with a speartip at 190 feet?
    Oh man, 190 feet?
  8. Louis Rossignol
    02-01-2010 10:33 PM
    Louis Rossignol
    I don't know what you're talking about Fletch.???
    02-01-2010 09:46 PM
    Hey Louis.
    Nah man no worries. I just took it the wring way. I wasn't sure what you were getting @..I deleted the post because shortly after that bullshit thread the guy contacted me and said he would send it ASAP if I deleted the post.
  10. Louis Rossignol
    12-01-2009 07:07 PM
    Louis Rossignol
    I'll delete my post so it sounds like your idea. Divehoe.

About Me

  • About Louis Rossignol
    Kenner Louisiana
    Playing pocket pool with a bunch of lesbiens
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Hell Divers
    Make/Model of Boat
    23 Dusky "Rok's Ride"
    Home Port
  • Signature
    Rok out

    DISCLAIMER: "My spearfishing is entirely legal in the geographic area within which I dive. If you don't like my pictures, posts or website then don't look. I will NOT waste any more bandwidth on this board (or my valuable drinking time) to argue with you ass clowns about it".




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General Information
  • Last Activity: 02-01-2023 09:54 AM
  • Join Date: 06-24-2004


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