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OATH Spearfishing Team

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
  1. Nielson57
    07-15-2014 08:29 AM
    time for me to get a blue water gun, either the jbl woody elite woody magnum or the riffe padauk cp-3x, both 55" guns, too small??
  2. Nielson57
    08-27-2013 08:22 AM
    thinking about taking a job on the coast of North Carolina, I hear the spearfishing is pretty good out that way. I hope things are going good for you and your family..
  3. los mentirosos
    01-06-2013 07:27 PM
    los mentirosos
    I'll give you a ring when we get some trips planned. I still have the Wellcraft but will probably be putting her up for sale this summer. The new boat will be mostly 24 to 36 hour trips but the fuel cost will be a little better. Still looking for that weekend with 3to 4 foot or less. I had a Deep Sea Headquarters Tuna trip get canceled on me this weekend, seas to rough for a 65 foot boat. This time of year is tough to get the weather to cooperate.
    12-03-2012 10:04 AM
    Hows it going?
    11-22-2012 02:36 AM
    LOOK GOOD WE WILL SEE! I am getting depolyed sunday well service before self!
  6. slingshaft
    11-21-2012 09:26 PM
    Hey Man, this weekend looks good for the Bay, any plans?
    Could be the last best chance, the next front should spell the end.
    10-20-2012 12:46 AM
    keith hastaught me lots, would love to hook up with you. I also have a 100ton capt's, if your ever interested in profit, we can work something out, not to mention I have 20yrs on the water, and have spent over 40hrs with keith, not a pro, but do understand what's out there and the risk management you have to have to get it...totally lookn forward to meeting ya, arre you available this weekend to chat bro
  8. los mentirosos
    10-17-2012 05:43 PM
    los mentirosos
    I live in Corpus and launch from Port Aransas. 25 foot Wellcraft I/O. I am not a for profit operation like Blue Water Safari. Keith is a great guy, from what I understand he will put you on awesome fish without fail every trip. I am always looking for folks to share in the fuel cost and clean up after the trip. Our season is pretty much done for the year it looks like. I would still go if we get some good weather on a weekend. We will go anytime the seas are 2 to 3 or less. I have 2 regular divers but have room for 2 more, could fit 3 free-divers but it would be tight. Mauifreediving and his son went out with us this summer. Limitless and Bug-Power made it out last year. Send me a name to tie to your phone number and I'll let you know when our next trip is.
  9. los mentirosos
    10-14-2012 07:45 AM
    los mentirosos
    I live in Corpus and launch from Port Aransas. 25 foot Wellcraft I/O. I am not a for profit operation like Blue Water Safari. Keith is a great guy, from what I understand he will put you on awesome fish without fail every trip. I am always looking for folks to share in the fuel cost and clean up after the trip. Our season is pretty much done for the year it looks like. I would still go if we get some good weather on a weekend. We will go anytime the seas are 2 to 3 or less. I have 2 regular divers but have room for 2 more, could fit 3 free-divers but it would be tight. Mauifreediving and his son went out with us this summer. Limitless and Bug-Power made it out last year. Send me a name to tie to your phone number and I'll let you know when our next trip is.
  10. Nielson57
    09-28-2012 07:38 AM
    What u up to

About Me

  • About HOLDFAST
    Live to hunt, Hunt to live
    Corpus Christi, Texas
    Family, and freerange food harvesting
    Disabled Veteran, Elite Taxidermy, Founder Rigs & Reef Classic, Director OATH Spearfishing Team, Owner www.Gator-Gripp.com
    Spearfishing Clubs
    OATHSpearfishing Team
    Make/Model of Boat
    85cm Mako Fin’s, DIVER
    Home Port
    Wasilla, Alaska
  • Signature
    Rigs & Reef Classic Spearfishing Tournament



    Salty Soul Taxidermy


    Call or Text me anytime 503-298-0592


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-21-2019 08:59 PM
  • Join Date: 03-24-2012


Showing Friends 1 to 4 of 4

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