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Spearo_Fla Spearo_Fla is offline

Freediving Trainer

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
  1. Spearo_Fla
    09-02-2009 05:19 PM
    Sounds Great, dive safe
  2. OahuFreediver
    09-02-2009 08:36 AM
    Hey John, checkout out your website deff enjoyed the pics! Great looking Cobia in the 08, cant wait to see the 09 pics. I may be heading down to FL around thanksgiving time so im pretty excited bout that. However, il be hitting hawaiian waters in about a week. Headed back there from Iraq now. Talked to your bro too a cpl of my friends gonna buy some guns from him. Thanks a lot!
  3. OahuFreediver
    08-13-2009 03:08 PM
    Ahh its all good. I dont bash any of the other branches being stationed in hawaii we have all of them in very close vacinity. My bio father and my uncle were airforce, 1 grandfather navy the other army, uncle in the coast guard. So my family hits all the branches.
  4. OahuFreediver
    08-13-2009 02:54 PM
    Hey John, Ive deff heard of your bro's company been looking at some of thier guns and recommended a few of my army buddies out here interested in starting to check them out. How long you been out of the army?
  5. Spearo_Fla
    07-31-2009 02:38 PM
    If you need to contact me

    John Bettua
  6. Jody Mathis
    07-30-2009 08:29 PM
    Jody Mathis
    Na, aside from a trip to the Keys, there is no where to go up there. I came down from the week, but I didn't bring my stuff with me. My dad wasn't doing too good. Trying to maybe move back here.
  7. Spearfishing
    07-15-2009 01:15 PM
  8. Spearfishing
    07-14-2009 08:53 PM
    Can you make it this weekend?
  9. Aimrite Tko
    06-22-2009 12:02 AM
    Aimrite Tko
    i check up on it everyday
  10. Spearo_Fla
    06-21-2009 06:24 PM
    Thanks, you should be a follower on my blog

About Me

  • About Spearo_Fla
    Cert in 1974. Adv. Open 1994. Strictly Freedive 1997 - Nationals 1999, 2001,2006. 5th Place Overall. Commonly hunt between 60-80fsw.
    Mulberry, Fl
    Freediving and Safety
    Envir. Safety and Security Director
    Spearfishing Clubs
    FSDA, Ex-Extreme Divers, Ex- Longfin, Ex- Palm Beach Freediver
    Make/Model of Boat
    Home Port
    Was-Port Everglades in Ft. Lauderdale
  • Signature
    Previous Clubs - West Palm Beach Freedivers, Broward Longfins and The Extreme Divers

    John Bettua
    Nationals Competitor- 1999, 2001, 2006
    Email Me @betjoh58@gmail.com


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 11-04-2015 10:53 PM
  • Join Date: 05-17-2004


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