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Timinator Timinator is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. charnut963
    10-31-2021 01:39 PM
    Hey man, saw your comments on Puerto Escondido on an old thread. I'll be there in February for a buddy's wedding and will be itching to get in the water for a shore dive. Would you be able to share any intel with me? Looks like not super promising, which makes me all the more want to get intel before lugging gear down or not. Rocky headlands right off mirador las tortugas near the airport hold any fish, or barren? Any tips on how to find a cheap guide or buddy if I wanted to do a quick dive on Roca Blanca one morning? Text me if a quick 5 min call easiest... 513-658-9179. Appreciate it!
  2. Timinator
    04-08-2018 11:59 AM
    Thanks, just checked them out. Beautiful spot. I'll have to study a bit and ask a couple question.
  3. billder99
    04-08-2018 11:10 AM
    Hey Tim, I just returned from a 6-day kayak/camp/dive trip around the Loreto islands... I thought I had sent you the link to the photos from my San Juanico lot... here they are:
  4. Cyprus_Spearo
    03-28-2016 08:48 PM
    Hey Tim,

    The guy's name is Pedro and the place is called Cangrehos
  5. Hogfish78
    05-22-2015 06:54 PM
    Hey I am interested in trading a hunt for spear fishing I'm in south Alabama great spear fishing I have a nice boat and go all the time I did a swap with a guy in Kansas and it worked out great if your interested hit me up 251-533-1344 I would only want to bow hunt Justin
  6. AnaerobicAsasin
    05-14-2015 08:50 PM
    Hey man, I'm certainly interested in the trade. Here's my number, if you wouldn't mind shooting me a text of some pictures it'd be much appreciated: 5043902185
  7. Timinator
    01-21-2014 05:05 PM
    I'm flying in tomorrow. Can dive after that.

  8. Puke Nukem
    01-21-2014 12:03 PM
    Puke Nukem
    killer I hear swell is gonna start hitting thursday and go on for like a week or something but if you come scoop me up I know a couple spots that should be more protected

About Me

  • About Timinator
    Bow Hunting, Archery, Spearfishing, Badminton, Guitar
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  • Signature
    Ever notice how Democrats scatter from the truth like cockroaches from light?


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 02-01-2025 08:11 PM
  • Join Date: 10-07-2011


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