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carrasco carrasco is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 31
  1. Twisted Trader
    07-31-2019 05:35 AM
    Twisted Trader
    You don't have to be with us the entire time. I will keep you updated as time goes on.
  2. carrasco
    02-01-2018 11:47 PM
    I may have one but its in rough shape. Text me and I’ll see if can dig it up.
  3. spear2
    01-26-2018 12:36 PM
    Howzit Carrasco, I don't know if you remember but I think I texted with you around 2-3yrs ago..... I live in Downey also, go down to Bahia De Los Angeles every summer. Anyways, was wondering if you have any XL size 5 wetsuits you want to get rid of for my buddy in Baja. Let me know.

  4. alldayreese
    05-20-2016 04:30 PM
    Hey sup, Just took at look at the post for Daina point. I see it's clear now.
    We'll I'm visiting this weekend there, was hoping to hit the water sat morning early.

    Can you guide where it is the kelp paddies and good vis is at

  5. newbiee1987
    04-26-2016 10:56 AM
    Hey Carrasco, give me a call brother, soy Cisco, I lost your number. 8188108616
  6. Bad Willis
    01-18-2016 04:32 PM
    Bad Willis
    Shipped today via UPS. Tracking number is: 1Z09947A0343371082. Hope you enjoy and dive safe.
  7. carrasco
    01-17-2016 02:27 AM
    The money has been sent. Thank you!
  8. carrasco
    01-17-2016 02:21 AM
    Gina Carrasco
  9. Bad Willis
    01-16-2016 07:54 PM
    Bad Willis
    I will send it on Tuesday since monday is a holiday. Tracking number to follow. whats the name i should put on the label?
  10. carrasco
    01-16-2016 04:09 PM
    12007 Woodruff Ave., Downey, CA 90241

    I will put the money in the PayPal account first thing tomorrow morning.

About Me

  • About carrasco
    Strong Mexican Male
    Downey, CA
    Believe it or not, Spearfishing
    Motivate Folks
    Make/Model of Boat
    18' Seaswirl
    Home Port
    Davie's Launch Ramp
  • Signature

    No sea menso mijo, no sea menso!!!!!


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 09-11-2024 04:13 PM
  • Join Date: 08-20-2011


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 13

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