Hey Bud I apologize that's all. lost my contacts ect ect ect. doesn't matter my #'s-630-880- 0428. Seriously sorry text me or call please. Missed out on a lot lately. New year upon me. Hope and pray all's well with you and the girls .
guess who diving la jolla in a boat tomorrow andy invited me on a fishing trip in a "secret" cove" for rockfish! he told me i can bring my gun if i want! waters from 40-80ft haha so i"ll keep you posted baby!
Christmas is when were comin home next, well be divin for sure! im gonna being home my gear, but not sure about a gun yet, ill just snake kevins or use davids 130
Bro I know!! When am I seeing you next?! We haven't dove together in forever! I think my big sheephead on polespear was the last time we dove together!