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Behslayer Behslayer is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 58
  1. gogoshark
    01-11-2022 02:12 PM
    Please share and subscribe
    Thank you

  2. Tiburon
    02-20-2021 09:15 PM
    Hello. I tried emailing you through your website but it bounced back. Trying this way to see if I get lucky. Just wondering if you had any 150RH guns ready to sell? What’s the process? Hope you’re ok with all this pandemic and all. Happy hunts!!!
  3. kicker84
    03-11-2018 12:56 PM
    Hey John. I sent you an email but for some reason it didnt go through. Do you have a 155rh ready to go, or anything similar? Could I give you a call and pick your brain? I'd like your input on the best way to go. You built my buddy, Doug Wise, a gun.
  4. apeogre
    11-18-2017 06:31 AM
    Hey Jon,
    I know you used to live in Indo. I'm looking at diving in/around Uluwatu. I remember reading that the diving there is pretty intense with odd currents and down drafts. Do you have any tips on people to go diving with or how to avoid boats from running me over? I'm looking at diving in March. Any info would be helpful. Thanks
    10-07-2017 07:58 PM
    John, where is your shop? I'm dialing up my nephew on spearfishing and he could use a nice 90cm gun and a float line. Cost is important to the young guy on his own. Have any ideas? feel free to text (call) me, or reply PM or email, ur call Thanks, Noel. (860) 212-1116 P.S. I always enjoy your stories and insight.
  6. flattie
    07-01-2017 10:49 AM
    Hi John, my name is Paul Zylstra. I am a member of the Long Beach Neptunes. I was on a boat recently with my dive partner Byron Quinonez. He borrowed one of your guns for the trip and I was impressed to the point I started looking around for one. Well just by chance there was a guy in Colorado who no longer dives and he had a 67" Ulusub so I bought it. The gun is like brand new.
    It came with three bands 9/16 bands and they are about 36". I am going to use the gun for tuna and was going to put a fourth band but wanted to know from the expert if the gun will shoot ok with one more band the same as the others or should they be a different length?
  7. SeaR
    03-24-2016 12:29 PM
    Looking for a Ulasub 100 reel.
    Can it be mounted to another brand gun?
    I have a bluewater from Mike Hatch. It has a flat area where I would mounts it
  8. breezy
    02-09-2016 02:01 PM
    hi john, the 140 still available? if so paypal works for you? rdzwick@gmail.com
  9. FreeSpearIt1
    09-10-2015 10:39 AM
    I'm interested in a 165 ulusub mid handle, I'm just was wondering if you could tell me the price range and more or less the time it would take to build? Thanks
  10. gimor63
    06-26-2015 06:58 AM
    Hey John, I am Gianni form Panama. I got in love with your guns and wondering if you still have one "el Bandido" left...

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  • Last Activity: 05-04-2024 05:48 PM
  • Join Date: 08-27-2008


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