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Linghunt Linghunt is offline

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  1. Dean0521
    07-30-2015 03:43 PM

    We spoke a little while ago and then it just stopped, not sure. I still need your help if you have the time to help me. I need some adapters made.
    Let me know if you want to help and I will pay you for them.


  2. agbiv
    11-06-2014 11:50 PM
    Sorry 6mm (male) to 14 mm (male)--I don't know what threads but i's Mako's travel spear.
  3. agbiv
    11-06-2014 10:25 PM
    I am interested in getting an adapter for the Mako travel pole spear to a double flopper--they say it's 6mm (male) to 14 mm. Do you make one and if so how much? Al Boos +
  4. Captain Howard
    09-10-2014 07:27 PM
    Captain Howard
    Sorry it took me a while to get back to you. I did not realize I had a message till today. I am not sure what make the tip is. I purchased a new Bronze colored alum 6 ft pole spear last year and I purchase this tip at the same time. For pole spears I had been using the paralyzer tips, 1 ft long normal tip with a single flopper, etc and I thought I might have better holding with a quick rerig with the slip tip. this is the first season I have used it. It does seem to hold the bigger fish with no problem but its a bitch to get the cable back under the stainless ring . Whenever I can I try to maneuver the fish so the cable stays under the ring. Whats the captured O ring you mentioned.
  5. pablom
    07-17-2013 08:18 AM
    I would be interested in a Mako travel polespear flopper shaft also if you have any.
  6. agentxcell
    07-16-2013 11:18 AM
    Hey there, got a recommendation from another user to contact you about spear adapters. Checked put your eBay store, looks awesome. I wanted to get an adaptor for the Mako 3 piece and a flopped tip, don't you have any of that for sale? Thanks for reading, looking forward to hearing back from ya. Also, how light are your spears?


About Me

  • About Linghunt
    NM Cowboy who became NAUI Certified Skindiver in 72' , Scuba diver in 83' , Moved to CA to Dive in 87'
    Santa Rosa
    Hunting, Diving and Family
    engineer and tip builder
    Make/Model of Boat
    14 ft Achilles
    Home Port
    Shelter Cove
  • Signature
    Later on -- keep your powder dry--


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  • Last Activity: 08-13-2024 06:15 AM
  • Join Date: 03-05-2006


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