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SpearMax SpearMax is offline

Forum Administrator

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 117
  1. gogoshark
    01-11-2022 01:54 PM
    Please share and subscribe
    Thank you

  2. wlkconsulting
    05-01-2020 07:59 AM
    Hello. A guy named Richard Davis is trying to join the group. I sent him here. Hes trying to be admitted via email response. Thanks
  3. techwiz44
    10-30-2019 01:28 PM
  4. Slusher11
    05-31-2019 02:49 PM
    Any INFO????
  5. Slusher11
    05-29-2019 02:17 PM
    Hey Tony checking to see if there’s gonna be a big bang open this year and if so what are the dates. Haven’t seen anything on the message board about it. Thanks Travis
  6. Benfishing92
    05-15-2018 02:02 AM
    Good morning, SpearMax! How does one go about getting said "Security Token" so that I may post pictures of my speargun and kills? Thanks and I look forward to hearing back from you!
  7. Reef_Pirate
    04-28-2018 05:51 AM
    Could we get the dates up for our tournament? 2018 Suncoast Spearfishing Challenge September 28-30. We are in our 7th year, and would appreciate it if we could get listed here on Spearboard. Thank you.
  8. humpinit
    12-06-2017 02:36 PM
    Hello. Why am I not getting any notifications via email from pm’s or reply’s to threads that I am subscribed to? Today’s my birthday and I didn’t even get a happy birthday.
    What’s up?
  9. stevemuehler
    10-12-2017 08:11 PM
    Good Morning,
    I was trying to view photos in a post and it said "Please update your account to enable 3rd party hosting".
    How do I do that?
    Steve Muehler
  10. aue-mike
    07-06-2017 08:53 AM
    Hi Tony - my friend Lamar English has been trying to get his account activated - can you help him out?

About Me

  • About SpearMax
    Owner of Spearboard.com, and Spear Wars Blue Storm Tournaments
    Florida USA
    Spearing, Filming, Diving
    Make/Model of Boat
    26' Goldline Boat with 420 HP Inboard Caterpillar Diesel
    Home Port
    Florida USA
  • Signature
    "Spearing is the path to enlightenment." --- Lao Tzu

    “Live this day as if it will be your last. Remember that you will only find 'tomorrow' on the calendars of fools.”

    ---- Success Unlimited Author Og Mandino b.1923 - d.1996


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 08-04-2024 05:51 PM
  • Join Date: 05-24-2005


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 30

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