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Nix Nix is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. charnut963
    03-07-2019 05:39 PM
    Hey Nix - saw your post on KillaKenny's thread about the costa rica trip in april. I'm in his group, but will be solo on Sat april 13. I'm looking for a diver or two to join me for a full day bluewater hunting tuna & wahoo. Will be going with Soul Spearfishing out of Jaco. Would you have any interest? Let me know, and if you have any good divers who would want to join, could you hook us up?
  2. Nix
    04-16-2018 05:38 PM
    PM or quicker responses.
  3. CPlonner
    03-02-2017 09:09 PM
    Hey Nix, do you know of good affordable spearfishing charters in the jaco area of coast rica? thanks, chris.
  4. Spearo_beero
    02-13-2017 12:03 PM
    Hello Nix. I am thinking of a Costa Rica trip this year. Would you be able to recommend a destination for a spearfishing/relaxing vacation? Thank you for any information you can spare.

  5. AlexbeeintheUK
    06-25-2012 10:43 AM
    Hi Nix,

    Cheers man i appreciate the offer. Do you make/sell them? I guess shipping from TT would probably be cheaper than from the US - do you have any photos of the guns you have made?

About Me

  • About Nix
    Costa Rica/Trinidad & Tobago
    Spearfishing, surfing, cooking, making spearguns, kayaking, running, swimming
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  • Signature
    Keep Smiling


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 05-27-2019 09:52 AM
  • Join Date: 05-27-2010


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