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MahiMan85 MahiMan85 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 51
  1. RB Diverman
    08-20-2018 11:47 AM
    RB Diverman
    Hey how’s it going got a watch for me three years ago. It finally took a dump on me seeing if you still have a hook up for the oceanic V 10? Thanks let me know.
  2. batt
    02-11-2016 12:25 AM
    Andrew: Does that mean you have for sale a 3XL? I'd buy that. Dave
  3. RB Diverman
    07-10-2015 07:11 PM
    RB Diverman
    Thanks got to watch and love it.
  4. Speartech9698
    05-14-2015 06:16 PM
    You can email me at darren@jamesaccesscontrol.com
    Text or call at 704-615-0322 I do want them
  5. Speartech9698
    05-14-2015 06:11 PM
    How much to ship them to 7119 Ashbourne Ln. Mint Hill North Carolina 28227
  6. daramos13
    03-03-2014 11:17 AM
    Hey Andrew hope all is well!! I was wondering if i would be able to exchange the reel you gave me... i love the look of it, but used it once and would really prefer a horizontal set up... let me know if there is anything i could do and obviously i would pay whatever difference and whatnot... thanks again!!
  7. BlueSteel
    11-28-2013 08:06 PM
    Hey Andrew. Its Hayden. Im gonna buy that BlueTec tomorrow. 25' range correct?
  8. brianmh13
    09-03-2013 08:55 PM
    Are the new cut of Nautilus wetsuits in?
  9. Boxfish
    08-30-2013 07:01 AM
    Hi Andrew,

    I'm in the market for a wetsuit and was wondering if your ombre brown 7mm is in stock. I searched through your site and it seems like your out.

  10. Kill.Fish
    06-22-2013 02:18 PM
    hey Andrew
    planning on purchasing a new gun soon
    im looking at a King Venom 150
    i think i asked you for a quote some time ago
    but its lost on my emails
    you have a price on one shipped to Florida
    let me know
    Thanks a bunch

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  • Last Activity: 06-05-2017 01:55 PM
  • Join Date: 03-24-2009


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