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Ryfish Ryfish is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. PlanB
    09-14-2018 11:35 AM
    Hi Ryan, Here is my cell # 561-371-7527 Send me your contact info.
  2. Ryfish
    12-18-2013 07:13 AM
    Will do Mike. I plan on getting out over holidays. PM me your number.
  3. florfreediver
    12-16-2013 07:00 PM
    Hi Ryan,
    If you have a hole available, sometime over the next 10 days and you would be okay in taking out a old timer, please consider me for a trip.
  4. Soaking wet
    05-31-2012 08:31 PM
    Soaking wet
    (tuna gun )
    PH# 321-986-7242
  5. tightlines
    02-28-2012 11:38 AM
    Great video! Please sent me a PM picture of your teaser!
    Thanks Bruce
  6. Mojave Green
    03-24-2011 07:44 PM
    Mojave Green
    Thanks for the tip on wet suits.
  7. Ryfish
    08-03-2009 08:14 PM

    Yea we went out for mini season.... Got a few bugs lot of shorts and ones with eggs. Will try again here soon. Probly goin out this weekesome time give me a call when you can.
  8. ragincajun5
    08-02-2009 04:46 PM
    Hi Ryan, I hope you have been well. How has the spearfishing been going??? Were you able to make it out for mini season? I befriended you on spearboard so that way it would be easier for me to locate you on here.
  9. Ryfish
    07-22-2009 02:02 PM
  10. ragincajun5
    07-21-2009 01:57 PM
    Hi Ryfish, My name is Blake and i live in Delray Beach. I am a beginner spearfishermen and absolutely love it. i have been addicted since the first time. I normally go out twice a week with a few friends and also charter a dive boat (DiveBee with capt Wolf) He has been teaching me alot. I love flordia freedivers also. I am off on the weekdays of thursday and Friday and try to go out on those days. I look forward to getting to know you. Write me back when you have a chance!!

About Me

  • About Ryfish
    Love the ocean and being outdoors. Live to spear fish!
    North Palm Beach
    Spearfishing Dah...
    Real Estate
  • Signature
    -See you in the Blue-


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-12-2019 04:24 PM
  • Join Date: 01-11-2009


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