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Captn Ron Captn Ron is offline

Long Beach Neptune

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. AquaNinj
    06-15-2012 01:42 AM
    Hi Ron, I'm Ty. I didn't get a chance to meet you personally at the auction, but was happy to see a Kirby Morgan! Im a commercial diver myself , and I hope I get the chance to say hey at the next get together. The fathomiers seem like a great group of guys and gals.
    12-15-2011 11:12 PM
    LOVE the avatar !!! thumbs up
  3. californiaklemo
    10-08-2011 11:21 AM
    Ron, call me asap regarding Hurricane Jova!!!! I'm at work 805-969-7762.
  4. kwasiemoto
    08-14-2011 02:55 PM
    When do you want to go to Malibu?
    I got in the water this am, and saw lots of fish around queens gate, two wsb too. They were small, and just cruzed by below me, and out of reach for my gun.
  5. bajahunter
    03-02-2011 11:05 PM
    Nice meeting you too I admire someone like you who isn't handicapped, my dad was in a weelchair for 20 years after a car accident and he showed me he could do more than me during his life, he was president of the chamber of commerce, rotary club, and about four more asociations during is life in a weelchair and traveled to europe twice and could drive his own car.
    Hope to spear with you sometime
  6. hutloc
    03-26-2010 03:17 PM
    Ron, not asking for hot tips.. just a gereral direction cuz i met a real nice lady friend that lives in p.v. and im going to "visit" her tonight. bringing my gear along!! peace, jamie
  7. Bob Ballew
    01-19-2010 11:51 PM
    Bob Ballew
    It was in the Sunday L.A. Times California section...misplaced it,.will send you more info if I find it...
  8. mikelb
    12-30-2009 02:05 PM
    I hate Capt. Ron too. He should get a life and not be on the computer in the middle of the day. Not that I'm encouraging him to shoot more fish. See what happens when it rains!
  9. Chainsaw
    03-25-2009 08:53 PM
    Dude, wheres the fish? And who's going fishing?
    By the way nice avatar.
  10. bbprodive
    03-23-2009 12:30 AM
    $2199, I have 3 spots left

About Me

  • About Captn Ron
    O.G. Lower Left Amputee married w/2 kids
    San Pedro, CA
    Dive, Surf, Sail, Kayak,
    Commercial Diver/Captain
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Make/Model of Boat
    40' Rohr, Old FNG Boat "MARLIN" 18' Boston Whaler Outrage, 17' Boston Whaler, 19' Aluminum Workskiff
    Home Port
    San Pedro, CA
  • Signature
    I swim in circles alot.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 11-02-2024 05:04 PM
  • Join Date: 04-23-2007


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