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Erasmus Erasmus is offline

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  1. Lompoc Local
    02-21-2017 04:01 PM
    Lompoc Local
    Yo dude,

    No harm done, certainly don't hold anything against you for offering. Unfortunately, $100 is super low and I can't justify going there with a new Riffe bag. I'm sorry.

    I can say that snowboard bags make pretty good speargun travel bags and are way cheaper. You should give those a look you'll probably find something you like for under $100. Good luck.

  2. ANYH2O
    11-14-2013 12:24 AM
    There are fish there to shoot year round.
    YT and AJ are probably best in May. It took me a couple years to learn the YT hot spots but they are easy to share now. I also have a friend running spearfishing adventures out of Mulege and he is starting to explore some exciting regions near by that dont get any traffic: DiveMulege.com Pongas are 150-200$ a day. getting the right captain is the trick Mike anyh2o@hughes.net 970-216-5902
    May is warming up nice and the whale sharkd come right to our beach.
  3. Erasmus
    08-19-2013 04:57 PM
    I personally got hammered at Santa Rosa, swell was too big and the viz was crap. I will always hit Anacapa or Santa Cruz after it - the hiking is great - but the water was tough!
  4. Drew
    08-13-2013 08:44 PM
    Hey there! I pulled up an old thread of yours about camping Santa Rosa Island. I'm planning a 3 night trip to water canyon. I was wondering if you had any input on kayaking out of Betchers Bay and to the nearest diveable spot outside the reserves. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  5. Scuba Fever
    05-01-2011 02:53 PM
    Scuba Fever
    You didnt miss anything! Except a Poor, Freezing, No Vis Dive. Next week is supposed to be better!
  6. fish2400
  7. Tara
    06-09-2009 05:52 PM
    Yes, at the barn kelp
  8. Erasmus
    05-26-2009 12:09 PM
    Similar, we were on the back side of Santa Cruz, we left to early but had been in the water all and were just cooked.

    Were you at Barn Kelp?
  9. Tara
    05-26-2009 10:53 AM
    the vis was perfect for WSB in my opinion 12-15+ milky vis....but no WSB! Just juves and towards the latter end of the day when weigh in was due at 6PM we started hearing lots....I mean lots of croaking...I bet if we were able to stay out longer someone would have scored. Did you go out this weekend? How did you do?

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    Beg/Int Hunter...generally nice guy?
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  • Last Activity: 05-25-2020 07:35 AM
  • Join Date: 09-02-2006


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