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keezdiver keezdiver is offline

Resident Fish Biologist

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    07-10-2015 07:05 AM
    I was told by a buddy to look you up that you may be able to share some numbers to shoot some Hogs in Marathon. We will be there tomorrow for a week. My son and his friend just got into spearfishing a year ago and love it.

    You can shoot me an email if you can to jacanals@aol.com look forward to hearing from you.

  2. One_Lung
    07-23-2011 12:49 AM
    Hey man, you've been gone for so long and yet still your post per day count is near two posts a day, we never had the opportunity to dive but I did have the pleasure of meeting you at hurricane for the tourny, you we're a wealth of information and always had a somewhat slick tongue which would get you yelled at but I found your insight both comical and useful, was just thinking about when I first started and me and jeremy looked up to you and I still do.

    Rest in peace to the man that I barely knew but owe much of my attitude on spearfishing too.
  3. sharkfan
    03-16-2011 06:30 AM
    Damn I miss you. You were always such a wealth of information on here and such a humble guy. I cherish the time I had to spend with you Keez. Rest in peace my friend.
  4. kwyoungspear
    03-14-2010 04:11 PM
  5. jtbspear
    02-23-2010 10:56 PM
    you will be missed may your tanks always stay full
  6. seguyette
    02-20-2010 02:24 PM
    RIP. Thanks for the help when I was down in your neck of the woods.
  7. Capytan
    02-19-2010 01:05 PM
  8. fish2400
    10-20-2009 09:19 AM
    hi fellow spearo i'm heading to the keys with three people to do some fishing and spearfishing it would be great if we could go with you. How much beer and gas do you need?lolz

About Me

  • About keezdiver
    marathon florida
    cars, diving, fishing, girls
    fish biologist
  • Signature
    The Keys Best Anchor Bitch and Galley Slut!
    ...and favorite Devil's Advocate
    Got a boat...but i'm too broke to pay attention!!
    Accepting donations of beer, food, gas or numbers...for a ride
    I'm a car fanatic...my web page with pics


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 02-18-2010 09:02 AM
  • Join Date: 03-07-2003


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