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hydroid hydroid is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
  1. kavachi
    08-17-2019 06:43 PM
    Key reason for going 9.5mm is more chance of getting a spine shot and avoiding yet another bloody sharknado

    Not sure if image links are working??
  2. kavachi
    08-16-2019 08:14 PM
    Really notice the difference the 8.5mm makes in slowing the fish down, ditto the heavy double flopper shaft vs sliptip.
  3. kavachi
    08-16-2019 08:09 PM
    Unfort the 8.5mm doggie specials i rcvd from Hunt didnt have the doghouse i ordered, really like that as tying to the rest tab the loop always gets caught round the tab, often dont notice til loading bands and have to go and rewrap before loading, last thing you want when you you’ve got a big pelagic swimming under you that youve just spent two hours berleying and flashing to attract! Are you using the coated cable?
  4. troyh
    02-01-2018 12:51 AM
    sorry so late, got the gun and was so stoked didn't even think about the computer. the gun is pretty much brand new condition and i couldnt be happier with it! seen a friend the other day and his wife new someone that was asking about the gun and myself, small world. if you ever decide to visit molokai please call me(808)557-4545 I owe you a dive and a hunt.
    Aloha and thank you again
    Troy Heen
  5. hydroid
    10-31-2017 07:06 PM
    Looks like it will go through. I do not have the money in hand yet.
  6. kicker84
    10-31-2017 02:05 PM
    I was wondering if the sell went through on your ulusub?
  7. spearq8
    06-25-2016 06:05 AM
    Yes, you adjust impact point depending on how the groups are. Usually a slip tip has a longer over hang ... longer overhang usually shoots lower.
  8. slingshaft
    02-24-2016 08:44 PM
    Hi Bo, I've subscribed to Job finders sites, I am so unqualified.
    The only job that I can do is cement truck operator.
    Is there any recreation jobs there? I'm a career Life guard, and swimming instructor.
    " And an all around loser." LOL.
  9. slingshaft
    07-12-2015 10:11 AM
    Hey! Have you been hunting this summer? Kerry.
  10. riley's hump
    05-09-2012 11:49 AM
    riley's hump
    Give me a call sometimes when you get back 251-276-0098 or 907-209-1873. Sometimes in tropic areas dive resorts put out the word spearing is illegal when officially it is not. i don't know particulars of Honduras. I'm sure locals spear.

About Me

  • About hydroid
    Avid diver since 1973
    Roi Namur, Marshall Islands
    diving, hunting, cycling
    water treatment specialist


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  • Last Activity: 02-07-2025 04:35 AM
  • Join Date: 11-25-2011


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