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AndrewK AndrewK is offline

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  1. hogzilla
    09-01-2015 10:00 AM
    what rate r u? i live in key west in the cg also
  2. Smesh
    02-17-2015 03:17 AM
    I have a brand new pair of Mako competition freediver fins size 10-11. They are still in the box, in the plastic. $75. 310-804-6063.
  3. samuel
  4. jonbarrels
    06-17-2013 10:31 AM
    I scuba and freedive in san diego locally, people do take wsb on scuba but only when the fish are very approachable during the spawning season, our vis is bad and we hunt in mazes of kelp beds where doing a 2hour long loop in the kelp searching out I chance to put a shot on the one fish u see. I know about freeshafting and if u stone ur fish u might be ok but u fish may still spiral into the merk which is usually bad at the very bottom. The reality is is that if u what a big wsb or yt whether ur scuba or whatever u need a floatline or reel, and I have stoned many fish, but more often they run. I have a small boat that I take out, and I wouldn't take out a diver that was freeshafting because they would most likely injure fish and loose gear. Not like grouper that u can find in a cave dieing...
  5. spenceyadigg
    06-04-2013 08:47 PM
    i know its a long shot, but do you still have that spyderco caspian salt knife?
  6. jfjf
    05-31-2013 07:46 PM
    send me your phone number Andrew
  7. SlickMamba
    05-08-2013 03:20 PM
    Hey Andrew, what model Mako is it? Can you send me some pics and details? rich.maaa@gmail.com. Thanks!
  8. drew5546
    04-16-2013 09:23 PM
    I appreciate it!
  9. SporaScrub
    04-11-2013 08:57 PM
    Still got the 75cm viper if your interested, I just noticed I replied to that thread with gibberish or something that had nothing to do with that thread. Shit that happens when you reply from your phone.
  10. trueplayer
    01-28-2013 11:24 AM
    Hi you still have the bag for sale

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  • Signature
    RIP Nate 6/08/14... "Putmeincoach"


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 09:38 AM
  • Join Date: 05-03-2010


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